The history of Denmark

By Rodval
  • Dec 1, 700


    Dеnmark was finally creat in 8-9 centuries. In fact, danes were vikings and they raided the lands of Europe since this time.
  • Dec 1, 1018

    Сhristian religion

    Сhristian religion
    In the eleventh century, the Danish king decided to attach their country to the Catholic Christianity.
  • Dec 1, 1026

    The War

    The War
    Denmark began the war against Sweden and Norway.
  • Dec 1, 1100


    The Kingdom flourished to the end of the XII century, and actively supported the Livonian knights and the Teutonic order in their war against Novgorod.
  • Apr 1, 1131

    Civil war

    Civil war
    In 1130, cooperation between king and Archbishop was upset in connection with intrigues of the Hamburg Archbishopric against an opponent, who settled in Lund. Then the Danish Archbishop decided to show power, and Royal authority in the person of Nils was shocked when Asser was supported by a gang of rebels headed by the pretender to the throne Eric Retentive.This resulted lasted for 26 years civil war, culminated in 1157, when the authorities were simultaneously three king-co-Regent.
  • May 4, 1157

    The Monarchy Of Valdemar

    The Monarchy Of Valdemar
    Waldemar I (1157 — 1182) became the sole king, it is not without reason called Valdemar the Great. The threat from pretenders to the Royal throne, he took a strategy consisting in the introduction of a valid transfer of a throne by inheritance. She was triumphantly carried out in Ringsted in 1170 the city, Valdemar and his son Knud VI (1182-1202) managed to bring Royal authority to the pinnacle of success, while avoiding collision with the Church.
  • May 4, 1241

    The discontent of the magnates.The machinations of the king of Norway

    The discontent of the magnates.The machinations of the king of Norway
    Domestic policy after 1241 was influenced by the increasing resistance to the king by disgruntled barons. Denmark have never lost interest in Norway; and the Norwegian king, for his part, about 1300, entered into an Alliance with a group of rebellious Danish magnates, the disposal of which was a fortress on the island Yelm East of Dursley and the fortress of Varberg in Halland. He was interested in the fact, to deprive the Danish king control over the navigation via the Kattegat.
  • Oct 14, 1250

    The opposition of the Church and the monarchy

    The opposition of the Church and the monarchy
    The monarchy, which, in theory, was to provide a society of peace and justice, carried a greater cost than the Church. The two branches of government differed now a big conceit. By 1250 they considered their positions are so entrenched that they began to test the strength of their shared border influence. In the period between 1250 and 1320 it became the reason of three high-profile conflicts between the Archbishop and the king.
  • Nov 13, 1319

    Strengthening the power of the aristocracy. Christopher II Eriksson

    Strengthening the power of the aristocracy. Christopher II Eriksson
    Unlike their immediate predecessors of king Erik Menved (1286— 1319) died a natural death, leaving, however, behind the children of the male sex. The next king was his brother, Duke Christopher, who for many years led the war against Eric. In 1313 Duke was supported by Jutland peasants and landowners. The price he had to pay for the election, signed the Manifesto in which the new king on all the controversial points of the then policy went against the aristocracy.
  • Aug 2, 1332

    The king destroyed the country. 8 years without a king

    The king destroyed the country. 8 years without a king
    In 1332 king Christopher died, after he gave his state of the flax for flax in pledge to creditors. Danish aristocrats have long held the Royal power on a starvation diet, denying her the right to introduce new taxes, however, the benefit was primarily their German counterparts on the estate. No one has seen in 1332 required to elect a new king. In the same 1332 Skåne was included in the Swedish Kingdom, with the support of Archbishop Charles, and the Swedish nobility.
  • The War with Carl Gustav

    The War with Carl Gustav
    In 1655 Sweden entered the war with Poland, in 1656 with Russia. In 1657 the Emperor provided military aid to Poland, and the Danish government decided to declared war. This was was the First war with the Carl Gustav. Concluded on 26 February 1658 Oscilliscope world Denmark ceded Swedish skåne, Halland, Blekinge and Bornholm, and the Norwegian Bohuslän and Trondheim. Sweden was exempt from paying customs duties, and the Duke of the Goth-torski, became a fully independent ruler.
  • Napoleon. The victims of Denmark

    Napoleon. The victims of Denmark
    The demand, addressed to Denmark by the French and Russian emperors to declare war on England, called without a Declaration of war, the terrible bombardment of Copenhagen (September 1, 1807) and the seizure of the greater part of the Danish fleet. with England, the struggle dragged on until 1813. When Napoleon fell, Denmark lost Norway at the peace in Kiel (1814). Under the Vienna Treaty the Danish king was included in the German Union.
  • The first Constitution. The conservative Constitution

    The first Constitution. The conservative Constitution
    In 1850-ies Frederick VII issued a number of decrees that changed the structure of public authorities. This system of decrees was United in the new Constitution. Frederick VII was created the Royal Council became in effect an additional court, which could review the decisions of the Riksdag. The conservative Constitution of 1856 was not popular. The next time the Constitution was adopted in 1915.
  • The socio-economic transformation. In 1915 adopted a new Constitution

    The socio-economic transformation. In 1915 adopted a new Constitution
    At the turn of the century in Denmark was successfully carried out socio-economic transformation: a reformed tax system imposed on loans to landless farmers and financial support for the unemployed. Since 1901 in Denmark started to develop a system of parliamentarism: the king appointed the Prime Minister and several key Ministers, and the rest of the government was formed by the members of the winning Venstre. In 1915 adopted a new Constitution, which granted women the right to vote.
  • Occupation. Nazi Germany.

    Occupation. Nazi Germany.
    In September 1939, Denmark signed a nonaggression Pact with Nazi Germany, in April of the following year Germany occupied the country. In 1943, in response to the activities of the Resistance movement and the defeat of the national socialists in the elections to the Folketing, the Nazis August 29, ousted a coalition government, imposed a state of emergency, began the persecution of the Jews. On 5 may 1945, Denmark was liberated by British troops.
  • The Constitution of 1953. Margrethe II

     The Constitution of 1953. Margrethe II
    Denmark became one of the founder States of the United Nations (24 October 1945) and NATO (4 April 1949). An important role in the postwar reconstruction of the country played a financial assistance in the amount of U.S. $ 350 million. In 1953, was accepted effective at the moment, the Constitution replaced the bicameral Parliament unicameral and allow succession to the throne women. The first female monarch became Margrethe II in 1972.
  • Denmark is in the EEC. Modern Denmark

    Denmark is in the EEC. Modern Denmark
    In 1961, negotiations began on the accession of Denmark to the European economic community. In the referendum the population approved the introduction, from 1 January 1973 Denmark became a member of the EEC. In 1989, Denmark became the first country in the world that have recognized the right of homosexual couples to conclude a Union (in 2012 entered into force the law on marriage equality).