The History of Computers

  • Charles Babbage - First Programmable Computer

    Charles Babbage - First Programmable Computer
    Why & What: To solve a number crunching crisis, it would be able to compute tables of numbers
    Where: Made in England
  • Morrisons

    What: Supermarket
    Why: To make a food shop
    Where: Bradford, UK
  • Willy Higinbotham - First Computer Game

     Willy Higinbotham - First Computer Game
    What: Table tennis game
    Why: To create a computer game
    Where: New York (USA)
  • John Atanasoff - First Electronic Computer

    John Atanasoff - First Electronic Computer
    What: First commercial scientific computer
    Why: Defense Calculator
    Where: Bletchley Park
  • Douglas Engelbart - First Computer mouse

     Douglas Engelbart - First Computer mouse
    What: a pair of small wheels traversing a tabletop, one wheel turning horizontally, one turning vertically,
    Why: To see how clever he was
    Where: USA
  • Asda

    What: American Owned supermarket
    Why: Create a supermarket
    Where: Leeds, UK
  • Robert E.Kahn & Vint Cerf

    Robert E.Kahn & Vint Cerf
    What: connections between computers
    Why: to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network
    Where: USA
  • Ray Tomlinson - First Email Sent

    Ray Tomlinson - First Email Sent
    What: the system for using computers to send messages over the internet
    Why: Wanted to see how clever he was, so challenged himself
    Where: USA
  • Steven Jobs - Apple

    Steven Jobs - Apple
    What: Technology company
    Why: Use new computers
  • Sainsburys

    What: Succesful Grocery store
    Why: To create a supermarket
    Where: UK
  • Tesco

    What: Grocery Store
    Why: Buy food on internet
    Where: UK
  • Netflix -

    Netflix -
    What: An internet site where peole can watch films for a price each month
    Why: People could watch films
    Where: California
  • Larry Page - Google

    Larry Page - Google
    What: Internet related services and products
    Why: People could use use a search engine
    Where: USA
  • myspace - Timothy Vanderhook

    myspace - Timothy Vanderhook
    What: Social Networking Site
    Why: So people can listen to music
    Where: Beverly Hills, USA
    First ever Social Network invented
  • Mark Zuckerberg - Invented Facebook

     Mark Zuckerberg - Invented Facebook
    What: a website where you can show information about yourself, and communicate with groups of friends
    Why: For american college students then developed into world wide communication
    Where: USA
  • Google Maps

    Google Maps
    What: To find a route from a start & destination
    Why: to help people find the correct route
    Where: USA
  • Me at the zoo - First YouTube Video

    Me at the zoo - First YouTube Video
    What: Someone talking about elephants on camera
    Why: To have the first youtube clip invented
    Where: San Diego
  • Qzone

    What: Somewhere to keep blogs, diaries, send photos and listen to music
    Why: To create a social media website in China
    Where: China
  • Twitter - Dick Costolo

    Twitter - Dick Costolo
    What: Social Networking Site
    Why: Enables users to send and read short 140 character messages called 'tweets'
    Where: San Francisco
  • Steve Jobs - iPhone

    Steve Jobs - iPhone
    What: A new type of phone
    Why: To make money and create a new phone for people
  • Tumblr

    What: Social Networking Site
    Why: Post Photos
    Where: New York City, USA
  • Kevin Sytrem - Instagram

    Kevin Sytrem - Instagram
    Why: Free mobile app
    Why: Share photos
    Where: USA
  • Bobby Murphy - Snapchat

    Bobby Murphy  - Snapchat
    What: Video messaging application
    Why: To send photos and videos to friends
  • Sat-Nav

    What: Nagigation System
    Why: Stop people from looking at their phones on the road
    Where: USA
  • Chad Hurley - YouTube Invented

    Chad Hurley -  YouTube Invented
    What: A site where you can watch videos for free
    Why: Friendly site for people to upload family videos
    Where: California
  • iTunes

    What: Buy songs to download onto iphone/pads/ipods
    Why: So people could access music on phoenes
    Where: USA
  • Driveless delivery

    Driveless delivery
    The delivery vans will deliver the food without a driver in
  • Future Jobs

    Future Jobs
    The job you that you may have in 10 yeaes may not even exist today
  • Easy Keyboard

    Easy Keyboard
    Be able to bring up a keyboard wherever you are
  • Computer - find objects

    Computer - find objects
    You will be able to find a computer based search engine to find objects
  • Humans like robots

    Humans like robots
    Robots will do most things that humans do
  • Driveless Car

    Driveless Car
    Everyone will drive around in a driveless car
  • Tiny Robots inside our body

    Tiny Robots inside our body
    Tiny robots will be able to to conduct medical surgery from inside our bodies
  • Eye

    The product can predict what you wish to buy from examining the eye as you walk in the shop
  • Driveless Delivery

    Driveless Delivery
    The deliverys will not actually have a driver in
  • Robot Waitor

    Robot Waitor
    Everyone will have a robot waitor
  • Surfing Internet

    Surfing Internet
    You will be actually capable of surfeing the internet by attaching yourself with a plug to go into the intenet