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The History of computers

  • The invention of modern binary

    The invention of modern binary
    Binary is an essential to computer programming. The man who invented modern binary was called gottfried leibniz. He was a german mathematician and believed that 0 is as impotant as 1.He then made the numbers 0-9 using only 1 and 0. This is important for computer programming because computers are good at long equations but not complex equations. Nowadays, Most computers rely on the binary system (or the base 2 system)
  • The invention of modern binary (continued)

    The invention of modern binary (continued)
    There were many systems similiar to binary. gottfried invented modern binary because he used 1s and 0s in his system. there were also other base two systems in ancient china and french polynesia. Nowadays, programmers input the command in english and then the computer translates it into binary. This makes the programming process easier and also saves people from learning a new computer language.
  • The invention of the difference engine

    The invention of the difference engine
    Historically, people would calculate the times tables using a pen and paper but Charles babbage wanted a more reliable process of calculating the times tables. he built his first design (a machine that could calculate the multiples of numbers) but never finished his bigger and better seccond version.
  • The invention of the Cathode Ray tube

    The invention of the Cathode Ray tube
    The cathode ray tube is a vey basic form of screen, It was only used for TVs in 1934. it was then replaced by its successor, the LED (liquid crystal display) screen due to the better quality of images from a LED screen. Nowadays, people seldom use CRT screens and mainly use LED screens.
  • Invention of "Colossus"

    Invention of "Colossus"
    Created be alan Turing, his machine is what is considered a practical and useful device as it was used to crack codes during world war 2. At the time, mathematicians were hired by the us military to crack codes sent in from germany. After cracking many codes, he came up with a genius idea, building an automated code-cracker. He eventually finished his design and was successful in what he strived for.
  • The invention of AI

    The invention of AI
    AI stands for artificial intelligence. The first mentioning of researching into AI was at dartmouth college. a group of professors started researching into the idea of AI and for the next few deacades, they were the leading scientists in this field.The purpose of AI is to learn and adapt to the situation and act accordingly without following a program specifically for that event kind similiar to a human brain the human brain.
  • The invention of the mouse

    The invention of the mouse
    A man called Douglas Engelbart developed a hand held item with two wheels, one to measure vertical movement and one to measure horizontal movement. Unfortunately, the stanford research institute held the patent to such an important invention meaning Engelbart did not recieve any royalties. Nowadays, all computers have a trackpad or a mouse to help move the cursor effectively.
  • The first computer game

    The first computer game
    A man called Steve Russel created the first computer game using only letters and punctuation. At the time, it was very rare that a computer would be used for anything other than maths. Nowadays, we play games on the computer as a regular practice or habit. A lot of people presently would rather play a video game than do somethong else.
  • The invention of the modern keyboard

    The invention of the modern keyboard
    The first (qwerty) keyboard connected to a screen was made in 1967. Before that, keyboards were just typewriters connected to spring loaded stamps which stamps letters on paper. The first electronical keyboard was called the Datapoint 3000 and was made by the Datapoint corporation.
  • The invention of Emails (E-mails)

    The invention of Emails (E-mails)
    Emails are a way to exchange mails without actually having to physically send the mail. it is all done virtually and is much more efficient compared to actual mail. The first email ever sent contained only the letters "qwertyuiop" the iconic letters is what is on the first row of letters on a standard keyboard.
  • The invention of the LCD screen

    The invention of the LCD screen
    In 1972, the T peter brody team used all the different filters of liquid crystal and adapted it to a screen. It was only favoured over the CRT screen recently due to the high price of manufacturing. LCD screens are more clear compared to a CRT screen. A few of the advantages of LCD screens is that it doesn't overheat or leave marks on the screen unlike the plasma display.
  • Invention of the Laptop

    Invention of the Laptop
    Although the idea of a portable computer came in 1968, it was only untill 1973 that they made an actual prototype. The Idea originated from a man called Alan Kay and the first purchasable laptop (the IBM5100) was avaliable in 1975. Nowadays, laptops have evolved so much that there is one for practically any profession. There are some that are more durable and some that some that have a longer battery life. Laptops have almost become an essential to human life. source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki
  • The invention of social media

    The invention of social media
    Social media is a website where you can chat and interact with other people. There are many types of social media including blogs and wikis. Social media plays a big part of everyday life, especially for the youth. A few of the most notable social medias are:
  • The invention of the graphic interface

    The invention of the graphic interface
    Before the inventoion of windows, applications were opened using commads. and computers were very hard to use.When windows was released, programs were represented as icons and could be easily accessed. The person who adapted the idea of icons on a computer and made it commercial was bill gates. he is a well known figure in the world of computer science and has greatly improved the "handling" of modern computers.
  • The invention of the webcam

    The invention of the webcam
    Webcams are a camera used to capture footage from the area in front of the computer screen. They are mainly used for online chatting. The first webcam ever made was made in cambrige university and the first object ever recorded on a webcam was a coffee pot. This coffee pot became known as the famous trojan coffee pot.
  • The invention of the smartphone

    The invention of the smartphone
    A smartphone is a device that can calla dn do other tasks. The idea was thought up by theodore paraskevakos in 1971 and patented in 1973. It was only for sale around 1993 due to the inpopularity of the idea. The smartphone is now extremely widespread and almost everywhere, and to prove it a recent study shows that one in five people own a phone.