The History of Computers

  • Konrad Zuse Z1 computer

    the first freeley programmable computer
  • John Atanasoff & Clifford Berry ABC Computer

  • Howard Aiken & Grace HopperHarvard Mark I Computer

  • John Presper Eckert & John W. MauchlyENIAC 1 Computer

  • Frederic Williams & Tom KilburnManchester Baby Computer & The Williams Tube

  • UNIVAC cmputer created by John eckert and John Mauchly

  • International Business Machines IBM 701 EDPM Computer

  • John Backus & IBM FORTRAN Computer Programming Language

  • Stanford Research Institute, Bank of America, and General ElectricERMA and MICR

  • Steve Russell & MITSpacewar Computer Game

    The first ever computer games in some respects
  • Douglas EngelbartComputer Mouse & Windows

  • ARPAnet

    the origional internet
  • Scelbi & Mark-8 Altair & IBM 5100 Computers

    the first consumer computer
  • IBMThe IBM PC - Home Computer

  • Apple Macintosh Computer