Charles Cabbage Difference Engine
Charles Cabbage invented a difference engine when he was funded by the British Government. This engine was used to calculate math problems and was operated by a manual Crank. Google -
Charles Cabbage Analytical Engine
Charles Cabbage invented a different type of engine that was programmable engine that had many functions of a modern day computer.
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The First Programmer
Ada Lovelace was the first person to write a mechanical algorithm or program for Charles Cabbage's Analytic Engine at some point during the 1840's. The most astonishing thing about this is that Ada Lovelace was a women. Google -
First Programmable Modern Computer
The Z1 created by Konrad Zuse in his parents basement between 1936 and 1938 is considered to be the first programmable modern computer. Google -
The First Programming Language
Plankalkül was the first official programming language that was used. Created by Konrad Zuse for the Z3 between 1943 and 1945 it was actually implemented in 1998. Google -
First Computer Bug
The first computer bug was found when a moth managed to get stuck between some parts in a computer and had to be pulled out. Google -
The First Transistor
The first transistor was created by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain in Bell Laboratories.
https://www.timetoast.com/timelines/history-of-computer-programming-711617d8-d291-4aff-9d3b-c7f8f43e69f8 -
Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator or EDSAC was the first stored program electronic computer. It performed its first function on may 6, 1949.
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"Common Business-Oriented Language" COBOL was designed for business use.
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ALGOL was fully developed in 1960 and created the standard for algorithm description.
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PASCAL is a general purpose computer programming language. It was created for teaching programming as a systematic discipline and to make more consistent and reliable programs. It was invented during the late 1960's.
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Easy to learn this computer programming language spread to a variety of schools worldwide as PC's were originally programmed with BASIC.
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First Computer Virus
The first computer virus called the "Creeper System" was an experimental system that self replicated itself until the computers hard drive filled up so much the computer couldn't operate any further. Google -
Python is a general purpose programming language developed to provide emphasis on code readability and to allow programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code. It was developed sometime during the 1980's. Google -
Java is a general purpose programming language that was created mainly for hand-held devices. Google -
Computers and Finding Flares
Computers may be able to find flares in the cosmos with this new machine learning program. https://www.sciencedaily.com/news/computers_math/computer_programming/