
The History of Coke

  • When Coke Started

    Coca-Cola history began in 1886 when the curiosity of an Atlanta pharmacist, Dr. John S. Pemberton, led him to create a distinctive tasting soft drink that could be sold at soda fountains
  • Marketing For Coke

    The first marketing efforts in Coca‑Cola history were executed through coupons promoting free samples of the beverage.
  • Selling Parts of Their Business

    just two years after creating what was to become the world’s #1-selling sparkling beverage, Dr. Pemberton sold portions of his business to various parties, with the majority of the interest sold to Atlanta businessman, Asa G. Candler.
  • First Bottle

    three enterprising businessmen in Chattanooga, Tennessee secured exclusive rights to bottle and sell Coca‑Cola.
  • Bottle Machienes

    -Bottling machines are added to a soda source in Mississippi by Joseph Biedenharn.
  • Bottle Expanding

    Bottling is expanding on a grander scale, businessmen in Tennessee gain rights to the bottling and sale of the soda.
  • Made first Distictive Bottle

    Among the biggest challenges for early bottlers, were imitations of the beverage by competitors coupled with a lack of packaging consistency among the 1,000 bottling plants at the time.
  • Most Iconic Add in History

    Coca-Cola airs one of the most iconic ads in the history of advertising, their “I’d like to buy the world a Coke” commercial.
  • Added the Flavor (Vanilla)

    is a vanilla -flavored version of Coca-Cola, only remaining available as a fountain drink.