The history of chocolate

  • Sep 22, 1492

    The first look at chocolate

    The Court of King Ferdinand and
    Queen Isabella got its first look at the
    principal ingredient of chocolate
  • Sep 22, 1519

    portions of chocolate

    1519, Emperor Montezuma, who reportedly
    drank 50 or more portions daily
  • english chocolate houses

    n 1657 the first of many famous
    English Chocolate Houses appeared.
  • higher price

    By 1730, chocolate had
    dropped in price from three dollars or more
    per pound to within the financial reach.
  • reduced prices

    reduced the prices even further and helped
    to improve the quality of the beverage by
    squeezing out part of the cocoa butter and in to a liquid.
  • turning chocolate into a solid

    1847, an English company
    introduced solid “eating chocolate” through
    the development of fondant chocolate,
  • milk and chocolate mixed

    1876 in Vevey, Switzerland,
    when Daniel Peter had devised a way of adding
    milk to the chocolate and making it chocolate milk.
  • early in 2015

    chocolate is eaten a lot to day in 2015 and my favorite chocolate would have to chocolate hershys bar.