Cambodia gains Independence
France gave Cambodia Independence back.Then Norodom Sihanouk became king for the next 15 years then was overthrown by a military coup. -
Norodom Sihanouk's Father Dies
When Sihanouk's father died he named himself Chief of State. -
Sihanouk Breaks all Relations with the U.S.A
After he broke relations he allowed North Vietnamese to set up bases in their country. Against the U.S in South Vietnamese. -
Americans attempt to stop Communists
Americans bomb Cambodia to try and stop the communists. They did capture Phnom Penh. -
Vietnamese take over Phnom Penh
The Vietnamese take Phnom Penh. Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge people run to Thailand. -
Hun Sen becomes Prime Minister
During this time Cambodia is plagued by Guerilla Warfare. Thousands became captured. -
Peace Treaty signed with Paris
Paris still has some authority over at Cambodia. Sihanouk also becomes Head of State. -
Sihanouk becomes King Again
The Monarchy is Restored. They rename the country The Kingdom of Cambodia. -
Khmer Rouge Surrenders
tundreds of thousands of Khmer Rouge Guerrillas surrender. -
Pol Pot
Pol Pot dies in his jungle hide out. -
Ta Mok
Ta Mok dies at 88. -
Hun sen
Hun sen is re elected.