The Bi and Bi Commision (The Bilingualism and Biculturilism Commision)
The Bi and Bi commision was established in1963 to examine the relations between French and English Canada, and Quebec's role in Canada should be declared bilingual by making French and English the official languages of the Federal Patliament and Courts. -
Creation of the Official Languages in Education Programs
In the creation of this motion you were able to choose what language you got your learning materials in, and what language you learned in. -
Consumer Packaging and Labeling Act
The Consumer Packaging and Labeling act came into effect in 1974. The Act says that everything written on a package has to be in both of Canada's offical languages (French and English), and the packaging has to say the product it contains. -
Mahé Case
The Supreme Court rules that official- language minorities integral right to participate actively, in all provinces, in the government and control of their children's education and educational institutions that their children attend. -
Official Languages Act
This act reflects and implements the language rights reconciled by the constitution and imparticular by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. -
KCM Started This Project
• The Federal Translation bureau- http://www.btb.gc.ca/
• The Bi and Bi Commission- http://fcweb.limestone.on.ca/~stridef/History%2010%20Applied%20Main/Unit%205%20Lesson%202%20Official%20Languages%20Act.pdf
• Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act- http://www.bereskinparr.com/Section/About_Intellectual_Property/Packaging___Labeling
• Definition of Action Plan-
http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&rls=com.microsoft:en-US&q=action+plan&tbs=dfn:1&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=kBFrUKjLK4qVyQGfjoGoAw&ved=0CCAQkQ4 -
Bibliography Cont.
• All Points- http://www.pch.gc.ca/pgm/lo-ol/bllng/hist-eng.cfm