The History of Beer

  • Period: 100 to


  • Period: 100 to

    Pre history

  • 123

    B.C.E 23 "Kiu"

    B.C.E 23 "Kiu"
    Chinese brew a beer called Kiu.
  • 155

    BCE 55 Spread of Beer

    BCE 55 Spread of Beer
    Roman legions introduce beer to Northern Europe.
  • 500

    C.E. Beer Bucks

    C.E. Beer Bucks
    During Medieval times beer is used for tithings, trading, payment, and taxes.
  • Jan 1, 750

    C.E. Hops

    C.E. Hops
    Hops were first added to beer by monks in monasteries that sought a way to better preserve beer.
  • Jan 1, 1420

    C.E. Lager

    C.E. Lager
    German Brewers develop the lager method of brewing.
  • Jan 1, 1492

    C.E. Beer in the New World

    C.E. Beer in the New World
    Upon landing in the New World, Columbus observes that American Indians are making beer from corn and black birch sap.
  • Jan 1, 1516

    C.E. German Beer Purity Law

    C.E. German Beer Purity Law
    Duke Wilhelm IV of Baveria established the Beer Purity Law (Reinheitsgebot) establishing that beer may only be produced from hops, barley and water. It remains the oldest food law still in existence.
  • Jan 1, 1550

    BCE Beer as Medicine

    BCE Beer as Medicine
    Beer is used as and in conjunction with medicine in Egypt. Boys are advise to consume two jugs of beer and three loaves of bread per day.
  • Jan 1, 1553

    C.E. Beck's Brewery

    C.E. Beck's Brewery
    Beck's Brewery is founded in Bremen, Germany. The brewery is still in operation today and is the oldest continually operating brewery in the world. Beck's is the most widely-sold German beer in the world, available in about 90 countries.
  • C.E. Commercial Brewing

    C.E. Commercial Brewing
    The first commercial brewery in the colonies opens in New Amsterdam. (New York City)
  • CE Guinness

    CE Guinness
    Arthor Guinness takes out a 9,000-year lease at the St. James's Gate Brewery in Dublin, Ireland and begins brewing the popular Irish Dry Stout, Guinness.
  • C.E. Oktoberfest

    C.E. Oktoberfest
    Oktoberfest established in Munich, Germany.
  • CE Pilsen, Bohemia

    CE Pilsen, Bohemia
    The first golden lager is produced in Pilsen, Bohemia, which today lends its name to the Pilsner style of lager.
  • CE Modern Era

    CE Modern Era
    The modern era of brewing in the U.S. begins with commercial refrigeration, automatic bottling, and rail road distribution.
  • C.E. Yeast and Fermentation

    C.E. Yeast and Fermentation
    Louis Pasteur unravels the secrets of yeast in the fermentation process and develops pasteurization to stabilize beer 22 years before the process is applied to milk.
  • CE Prohibition

    CE Prohibition
    Prohibition starts in the United States making alcohol consumption, sale, and distribution illegal to all citizens.
  • CE Prohibition Ends

    CE Prohibition Ends
    Prohibition ENDS! Prohibition is repealed by the 21st Amendment, once again allowing the creation, sale and consumption of alcohol in the United States.
  • CE Beer in a Can

    CE Beer in a Can
    The beer can is introduced for the first time.
  • CE Brewing for All!

    CE Brewing for All!
    President Carter legalizes the private brewing for private citizens and micro brewing takes off. As of July 2013, there were nearly 2,500 microbreweries and craft brewers in the United States.
  • CE Great Basin Brewing Company

    CE Great Basin Brewing Company
    Established in 1993 by Tom Young in Sparks and in July 2010 expanded to Reno location. Great Basin distributes its beer to Northern Nevada, Southern Nevada, and Northern California and has won national recognition at mircobrew competitions.
  • CE Battle Born Brewing

    CE Battle Born Brewing
    Battle Born Brewing Company founded in Reno, Nevada.
  • CE The Beer Song

    CE The Beer Song
    Whether you love it, hate it, are morally or ethically sworn against drinking it, are too young to drink it, or are just plain indifferent to it, beer is just about everywhere you look. But why? Beer has been around for millennia, and its uses in that time are varied indeed. While hard evidence of its use dates back more than 6,000 years, some historians believe that beer has been around for closer to 10,000 years or even longer. SONG
  • BCE Beer and the Pyramids

    BCE Beer and the Pyramids
    Beer is consumed in Egypt for its nutrients and many believe that the pyramids would not have been built had it not been for beer.
  • BCE Beer and Egypt

    BCE Beer and Egypt
    References to beer appear in Egyptian texts. It is brewed commercially for royalty and is included in burial provisions for the journey to the afterlife.
  • BCE Beer and Babylon

    BCE Beer and Babylon
    Babylonian clay tablets detail recipes for beer. The civilization produced large quantities with around 20 varieties.
  • BCE 8,000-13,000 Farming Begins

    BCE 8,000-13,000 Farming Begins
    The nomadic lifestyle of early humans is gradually given up in favor of farming-based settlements. Grains (such as barley, a primary ingredient of beer) are the first crops domesticated by humans.