The History of Australia

  • British Exploration

    British Exploration
    James Cook sailed around Australia.
  • Looking for Settlement

    Looking for Settlement
    British called the "First Fleet", left England with convicts looking for a place to settle.
  • Prison Settlement

    Prison Settlement
    New South Wales is officially a penal colony.
  • Finally Settled

    Finally Settled
    The British prisoners settled Australia.
  • Boundaries

    The Government Officials created boundaries for the colonies that are still in place today.
  • Immigrant Settling

    Immigrant Settling
    Many immigrants were setling in New South wales.
  • Pulled Out of Places

    Pulled Out of Places
    The remnants of the Aborigine tribe were taken out of the areas and to Reserves.
  • Commonwealth Established

    Commonwealth Established
    The Commonwealth has been established.
  • The Aborigines Get Help

    The Aborigines Get Help
    The federal government begin to pass laws to help the Aborigines.
  • Rejected

    55% of voters rejected the idea of becoming an independent repubic.