Galaxia andromeda

The history of Astronomy

  • 400 BCE

    Aristarchus of Samos

    Aristarchus of Samos
    he suggested that the Earth revolved around the sun
  • 200 BCE


    Classified the stars according to their apparent brightness
  • 200


    Suggested a geocentric astronomic model. According to him, the sun, the moon and the five known planets ( Mercury, Venus ,Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) all revolved around the Earth.
  • Sep 12, 1543


    Published his heliocentrical model according to which the planets revolved around the sun.
  • Tyco Brahe

    Tyco Brahe
    Carried out very delaited observation of the planets. Kepler deduce his famous planetary laws following Brahe´s observation.
  • Galileo

    Used a telescope for the first time to observe the night sky. This was the birth of of modern astronomy
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Built the first telescope using mirrors instead of lenses
  • The Principles of Natural Phylosophy

    The Principles of Natural Phylosophy
    Newton published his book The Principles of Natural Phylosophy in which he explained the laws governing the movement of the planets.
  • Edmund Halley

    Edmund Halley
    He explained Newton´s laws and predicted the return of the comet ( which was to carry his name) in 1758
  • W. Herschel

    W. Herschel
    Discovered the planet Uranus
  • F.W. Bessel

    F.W. Bessel
    Measured the distance from a star for the first time using geometric methods. This in turn, definitively proved that Earth follows an orbit around the Sun as Copernicous suggested.
  • Adams, Galle and Leverrier

    Adams, Galle and Leverrier
    They discovered Neptune
  • Science Asthrophysics

    Science Asthrophysics
    The birth of the science Astrophysics thanks to the spectroscope, an apparatus which allows us to identify substances in the stars .
  • E.P. Hubble

    E.P. Hubble
    proved that some of the nebulas seen in the sky are in fact independent galaxies. He then discovered that the galaxies move away from each other.
  • C. Tombaugh

    C. Tombaugh
    Discoverede the planet pluto
  • extra solar system

    The discovered of the extra solar planet