The history of Astronomy

By bergm3
  • Hans Lippershey

    Hans Lippershey
    Created the first telescope.
  • Galileo improved the telescope

    Galileo improved the telescope
    Found craters on the moon. Discovered that Jupiter is a planet with moons. Cresents on Venus showed that the sun is the center.
  • Newton discovered the colors in white light

    Newton discovered the colors in white light
    Telescopes became sharper.
  • Hershel discovered infared

    Hershel discovered infared
    Helps identify Uranus. Larger telescopes helped discovered that we live in a galaxy.
  • Hale helped in the planning of major observatories

    Hale helped in the planning of major observatories
    He helped plan two refracting telescopes on Mount Wilson Observatory.
  • Hubble

    Discovered other galxaies. Discovered other galaxies and galaies that are farther away are moving faster away.
  • Penzias and Wilson discovered Cosmic Background Radiation

    Penzias and Wilson discovered Cosmic Background Radiation
    Discovered important evidence of The Big Bang.
  • Hubble telescope

    Hubble telescope
    Discovered billions of galaxies in a small point in the sky.
  • Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe

    Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe
    Discovered that the universe is 13.7 billion years old.
  • Kepler Space Telescope

    Kepler Space Telescope
    Looks for habitable planets in distant Galaxies.