Thaumatrope created by John Ayerton Paris
It has two different drawings on opposite sides of a disk, and when you spin it, it turns into one. *Image retreat: https://intelligentheritage.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/thaumatrope1.jpg -
Phenakistoscope created by Simon von Stampfer
-also known as "spindle viewer".
-It used a spinning disc attached vertically to a handle. The users had to spin the disc and look through the moving slits at the reflection in a mirror. *Image retreat: http://www.crowquillstudio.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/spin.jpg -
Zoetrope created by William Horner
-also called the "wheel of Devil" (Daedalum); later renamed "wheel of life" (Zoetrope)
-it was made up of a cylinder with slit cuts vertically in the sides, the user would spin it, and look through the slits at the pictures.
-more than one person could use it at the same time. *Image retreat: http://zoetrope4.weebly.com/uploads/1/6/3/0/16309614/3857102_orig.jpg?236 -
Daguerreo-types developed by Louis Daguerre
-He developed a new process to develop images.
-They were called the tin-type photos. *Image retreat: http://chnm.gmu.edu/cyh/archive/fullsize/daguerreotype_handout1_5100fdfa23.jpg -
Praxinoscope invented by Charles-Emile Reynaud
-invented in France
-it replaced narrow viewing slits with an inner circle of mirrors, used so that the reflections of the pictures appeared more or less stationary as the wheel turned. *Image retreat: http://www.heeza.fr/1640-thickbox/optical-toy-the-praxinoscope.jpg -
The kinetograph developed by Thomas Alva Edison
-It was a motion picture camera.
-He liked to film random events like haircuts, boxingmatches, etc. *Image retreat: http://blog.thehenryford.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/kinetograph.jpg -
"Workers Leaving the Factory" by Auguste and Louis Lumiere
-It is considered the first motion picture in history.
-Auguste and Louis were French inventors and manufacturers. *http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w500/8ODYybhlePdXJtqBKcdcXPRrthe.jpg -
"The Great Train Robbery" created by Edwin S. Porter
-It was a silent movie, created by Edison's cameraman that led to the birth of silent pictures. *Image retreat: http://channeleye.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/the-great-train-robbery-movie-poster-1903-1020549358.jpg -
"Humorous Phases of Funny Faces" by J. Stuart Blackton
-it was known as the first animated film, using a chalkboard. *Image retreat: http://archives.frederatorblogs.com/talk_to_the_snail/files/2008/04/funnyface.jpg -
"Fantasmagorie" by Emile Cohl
-This animation was made by using an illuminated glass plate for his table while drawing black lines on paper.
-The end result was printed in negative to give it the look of a chalkboard.
-The title came from a device called fantasmograph which was similar to the zeotrope. *Image retreat:http://proyectoidis.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/M7346.jpg -
"Flowers and Trees" by Walt Disney
-It was the first cartoon to be released in color. Image retreat: https://s3.amazonaws.com/intanibase/iad_screenshots/1932/166/2.jpg