
Important Events In The History of Anesthesia

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    Hua Tao uses Mafeisan, a wine and herb mix, as an anesthetic for a surgery

    Hua Tao uses Mafeisan, a wine and herb mix, as an anesthetic for a surgery
  • Humphry Davy suggests that nitrous oxide can be used as an anesthetic

    Humphry Davy suggests that nitrous oxide can be used as an anesthetic
  • Hanaoka Seishou creates Tsusensan, a general anesthetic

    Hanaoka Seishou creates Tsusensan, a general anesthetic
  • Henry Hill Hickman explains that carbon dioxide can be used as an anesthetic for animals

    Henry Hill Hickman explains that carbon dioxide can be used as an anesthetic for animals
  • Dr. Crawford Long uses ether as an anesthetic to remove cysts out of a patients neck

    Dr. Crawford Long uses ether as an anesthetic to remove cysts out of a patients neck
  • Dr. Horace Wells uses nitrous oxide as an anesthetic to remove a tooth

    Dr. Horace Wells uses nitrous oxide as an anesthetic to remove a tooth
  • William T.G. Morton is the first person to succesfully use ether in a surgery

    William T.G. Morton is the first person to succesfully use ether in a surgery
  • James Simpson is the first to use chloroform as an anesthetic during child birth

    James Simpson is the first to use chloroform as an anesthetic during child birth
  • Dr. William S. Halstead was the first to use cocaine as a regional anesthetic

    Dr. William S. Halstead was the first to use cocaine as a regional anesthetic
  • Dr. August Bier coordinates the first use of spinal anesthesia by using cocaine

    Dr. August Bier coordinates the first use of spinal anesthesia by using cocaine
  • Lidocaine

    A local anesthetic used to relieve itching, burning and pain from skin inflammations, it can be injected for use as a dental anesthetic but its primary use is for minor surgery. It was synthesized in 1943, by Nils Lofgren.
  • Halothane

    Halothane, a general anesthetic was created by Charles Suckling.
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    Enflurane and Isoflurane

    Enflurane, created in 1963 was developed by Ross terrel. Isoflurane, created in 1965, is primarily used as a veterinary anesthetic was also developed by Ross Terrel