Period: to
Publick Ocurrences
First attempt of newspaper. Supressed by British Government because of it content. -
By Authority
More newspapers appeared, supervised by colonial authorities -
The Zenger Case
Considered as the precedent of the freedom of the American Press. -
Partisan Press
Tory newspapres were loyal to the Crown. Whig ones, supported the Revolution. -
Ratification of the First Amendment
It guarranted the freedom of the press.
<ahref='http://civilliberty.about.com/od/firstamendment/tp/First-Amendment.htm' >http://civilliberty.about.com/od/firstamendment/tp/First-Amendment.htm</a> -
Penny Press
Newspapers which costed one cent and their main content was news. -
Fondation of The New York Times
Today, the best newspaper. Its famous motto: "All the news that's fit to print" -
Its use in journalism brought the inverted-pyramid format. -
They joined the social conciusness that American newspapers started to develop. -
Yellow Journalism
Unethical, irresponsible, full of color, illustrations and a dramatic coverage of news. It attracted huge audiences.