The History Of America

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  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    The new president of the U.S.A, Thomas Jefferson, had just spent 15 million dollars on about 827,000 sq. miles of land. The land was purchased from Napoleon Bonaparte, the dictator of France! This purchase may have been the most important one ever made in the history of the U.S.A!
  • The Lewis and Clark Expidition

    The Lewis and Clark Expidition
    Two excellent explorers, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, set out on a journey that turned out to essential to America's dream of expansion. They travelled endlessly,finding many important resources and allies, such as the Blackfeet Indians.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    Over 15,000 Cherokee Indians were forced to march all the way from Georgia to modern day Oklahoma. Around 4,000 died of hunger and sickness. That must have been devastating! Also, many other indians from other tribes were driven out.
  • The Mexican War

    The Mexican War
    The U.S.A declared war on Mexico in effort to gain California and other southwest states owned by Mexico. Fortunately, it ended with the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
  • Gold Rush

    Gold Rush
    Gold! Gold! Man discovers gold at Sutters Mill, California! People go into a frenzy! The next year, 1849 was the peak of the rush. People from all over the world are rushing to California! Wow!
  • Wright Brothers Soar!

    Wright Brothers Soar!
    It is a bird! It is a superman! No, it is a plane! The Wright Brothers have evolved the world in so many ways! One example is transportation! Now, people can travel long distances conveniently. That is so amazing!
  • America, Smash!

    America, Smash!
    America declares war on Germany and Austria-Hungary. After three devastating years of back and forth conflict in Europe, the U.S.A enters the frenzy! after many grueling battles, an armistice is signed, ending the horrible war!
  • Up, Up, And Away!

    Up, Up, And Away!
    Charles Lindenbergh has done it! He has made the first solo voyage over the atlantic ocean! The trip was non stop, so he was stuck in the plane for a whole day! But he did it! He flew across in a plane called The Spirit of St. Louis!
  • CRASH!

    The crashing of the stock market resulted in the most terrible financial deficit the world has ever seen! Families all across the globe went from being weathy to penniless over night. Food was rarely an option because nobody had the money to pay for it. Bread rations were all that th epoor could eat. That is sad!
  • Ready,Set, Obama!

    Ready,Set, Obama!
    Barack Obama is elected the first african american president of the U.S.A! After many campaigns, It was narrowed down to the last two! Obama and McCain! However, Obama battled it out and won!