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The History of 2D Digital Art, by Felishiana Jimenez

  • What is Digital Art?

    What is Digital Art?
    What is digital art? Digital art encompasses any works created with digital technology — either with computer hardware, electronics, or software — the programs and websites that serve as the new “palette” and “canvas.” The word "digital" started as the Latin word for toe or finger before technology was a thing.
  • The Start of Something New

    The Start of Something New
    Digital painting forms the crux of digital art right now and is effectively one of the most practiced digital art form in this era. The machines we use today began their start in the 1940s, where the first computer, the ENIAC was created. Artist started exploring the possibilities of art from a computer and other digital platforms during the late 1950s and early 1960s.
  • The First Digital Painting

    The First Digital Painting
    Early experiments with computer art came around 1965. German artist Frieder Nake (1938 - present), who also happened to be a mathematician, created a computer algorithm that enabled the machine to draw a series of shapes to make artwork. The resulting computer-generated drawings were some of the earliest examples of art done on a computer.
  • Advancements

    Over the years, computer became more popular amongst the artist community. As computers became more portable and advanced, tools for digital art such as digital drawing tablets started to rise. Art classes that specifically teach digital art became the norm in schools and colleges.
  • Into the Future

    Into the Future
    As plans for new computer advancements continue, there are bound to be new art techniques to be learned and new tools to acquire for any type of digital artist. Perhaps 20 years from now, we might not even need pencil and paper anymore.