Powerlifting cover

The History Modern of Powerlifting

  • The birth of Modern Powerlifting

    The birth of Modern Powerlifting
    The birth of Modern Powerlifting
  • AAU's National Weightlifting Committee

    AAU's National Weightlifting Committee
    AAU's National Weightlifting Committee decided to begin recognizing records for odd lifts(Squat, Deadlift. Bench)
  • First national meet

    First national meet
    First national meet was held by York Barbell Company
  • First American National Championships

    First American National Championships
    First American National Championships are held
  • First World Weightlifting Championships

    First World Weightlifting Championships
    World Weightlifting Championships
  • IPF(International Powerlifting Federation)

    IPF(International Powerlifting Federation)
    IPF(International Powerlifting Federation) was formed.
  • Womens division

    Womens division
    IPF added a womens division
  • USPF founded

    USPF founded
    USPF founded. (United States Powerlifting Federation)
  • Bench shirt

    Bench shirt
    Jon Inzer creates the first bench shirt
  • APA and WPA founded

    APA and WPA founded
    Both the APA(American Powerlifting Association) and WPA( World Powerlifting Alliance) are formed by Scott Taylor. Both offering drug-tested and non-tested competitions categories.

    USAPL( USA Powerlifting) took over for the IPL as they didnt want to conform to the drug test requirements.
  • Anti-Drug Athletes United

    Anti-Drug Athletes United
    Anti-Drug Athletes United (ADAU) was created
  • Rise in popularity of Powerlifting

    Rise in popularity of Powerlifting
    With the introduction of cross training sports, a reemergence of popularity in the sport of Powerlifting.