
The creation of the digital world.

  • The creation of the ARPANET

    The creation of the ARPANET
    The first computer to computer link was accomplished by ARPANET and is the precursor to the internet.
  • The term "internet" is introduced

    The term internet was born when the university college of London connected to the ARPANET.
  • The first ISP.

    The first internet service provider was made with the introduction of a commercial version of ARPNET.
  • Vinton & Bob

    Both created the blueprint for transmission control protocol and internet protocol.
  • NSF provide funding

    The NSF gave money to provide networking services and establish the CSNET.
  • TCP & IP

    TCP & IP become the protocol for ARPANET
  • The Domain Name System is introduced

    The DNS is introduced to name websites that are created. .org and .net are examples of the new DNS.
  • WWW becomes public

    The worldwide web is shown to the public by CERN.
  • A&V surf the web

    Audio and video are distributed over the internet for the first time.
  • The Dancing Baby

    A video of an animated baby becomes one of the first viral videos.
  • Google

    Google's search engine is invented.
  • The age of social media begins

    Facebook is created and goes online.
  • Youtube and Reddit

    Youtube and Reddit release on the internet.
  • Twitter

    Twitter, as well as the first tweet, reaches the internet.
  • Anniversary

    This marks the 40th anniversary of the internet.
  • Instagram

    Instagram is founded.
  • Online Banking

    More than half of the U.S adults are banking online.
  • Google Assistant

    Google announces its new Google Assistant.