Timthumb (1)

the historical development of the world's population

  • 50

    1st century

    The wordl had 256milion inhabitants
  • 1200

    YEAR 1200

    384 million inhabitants
  • 1300

    14th century

    After the Black Death epidemic, which killed thousands of people, the world's population slowly recovered.
  • 1650

    There were 516 million inhabitants.
  • YEAR 1750

    before the Industryal Revolution, 791 million inhabitants.
  • YEAR 1800

    There were 890 million people on Earth.
  • YEAR 1900

    This figure had reathed 1,2 billion people
  • YEAR 1950

    There were 2,5 billion people in the world.
  • YEAR 2000

    The rate at which the population grew accelerated and reached 6 billion people.
  • YEAR 2015

    Although the growth has recently not been so fast, the population exceeded 7,3 billion people.
  • YEAR 2025

    It is predicted to be over 8 billion people