Jan 30, 1450
2000 BC- Chinese First use Coal as an Energy Source
Jan 30, 1500
1st Century- Chinese first refine Petroleum (oil) for use as an energy source
1600s- Development of Coal Coke in England Aids Iron Production and Helps to Pave the Way for the Industrial Revolution
1700s- Coal Begins to Displace Use of other Energies
First Steam Engine Developed in England to Pump Water out of Coal Mines
First Commercial Coal Production in US Begins in Richmond, Virginia
Process of Electrolysis Discovered
First Natural Gas Well in the US is drilled
Coal Becomes Primary Locomotive (Train) Fuel in US, Displacing Wood
1800s- Ethanol Blend Becomes Popular Lamp Fuel in US, Displacing Whale Oil
First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Developed to Generate Electricity
1850s- Windmill Becomes Popular Water Pumping Tool of Western Homesteaders and Railroad Builders
First Solar Power System Developed in France to Produce Steam to Drive Machinery
John D. Rockefeller forms Standard Oil and Develops Petroleum as a Major Energy Source in the US
First Demonstration of Generating Electricity Directly from Sunlight in a Selenium Solar Cell
First Electric Plant Built by Thomas Edison in NY
First Commercial Scale Hydroelectric Plant Goes into Operation in Appleton, Wisconsin
First Windmill to Generate Electricity Developed in Cleveland, Ohio
World’s First Geothermal District Heating System Built in Boise, Idaho
First Diesel Engine to Run on Vegetable Oil Demonstrated at World's Fair in Paris
Birth of the Modern Oil Industry: Lucas Gusher and the Discovery of Texas' Vast Spindletop Oil Field
World’s First Flex Fuel Vehicle, the Ford Model-T, Goes into Mass Production
World's First Geothermal Power Plant Is Built in California
First Commercial Wind Turbines Sold to Generate Electricity on Remote Farms
Hoover Dam, the World's Largest Hydroelectric Power Plant, Is Built
First Federal Law Established to Control Pollution from the Oil Industry
First Controlled Nuclear Chain Reaction
Petroleum Becomes Most Used Fuel in the US
First Nuclear Power Reactor to Generate Electricity Built in Idaho
First Commercial Nuclear Power Plant Begins Operation in Shippingport, Pennsylvania
First US Satellite in Orbit Utilizes Solar Cells for power
1960s- General Electric (GE) Develops Hydrogen Fuel Cells to Generate Electricity for Apollo and Gemini Space Missions
Oil production peaks in lower 48 states
Federal Involvement in Wind Energy Development Advances Wind Energy Technology
World's First Solar Powered Village; Tohono O'odham Reservation, Arizona
World's First Wind Farm Built in New Hampshire
Construction Begins on the World's Largest Wind Farm in California's Altamont Pass; Bird Deaths from Wind Turbines Number in the Thousands
Largest Nuclear Accident Ever Takes Place at Chernobyl in the Former Soviet Union
Exxon Valdez Disaster in Alaska Becomes the Largest Oil Spill in US Waters
US House Prevents Drilling for Oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Worst Coal Ash Spill in US History in Kingston, Tennessee
BP Oil Rig Explodes & Causes Largest Oil Spill in US History
President Obama Announces Clean Power Plan, Imposing the First Nationwide Limits on Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Power Plants