The historical and social change in the concept of childhood.

By msnchez
  • 370 BCE

    Platon´s philosophy

    The best way to teach is from the most tender age.
  • 300


    Before this century infanticide was fully accepted in Greece and Rome.
  • 374

    First law.

    In Rome it is decreed that infanticide is a type of murder and is punishable, although the rate of infant death does not decrease.
  • 442

    Council of Vaison.

    From this moment the abandoned children will be announced to the church.
  • 787

    Dante of Milan.

    He founded the first collection place for abandoned babies.
  • Period: 801 to 1391


    During this time period the population ratio was 156/100 to 172/100, with an advantage for men. This shows the permanence of infanticide despite the attempt to be camouflaged in history.
  • 1405

    Giovanni Dominici.

    He talked about the correct way to raise a child regarding the care of his private parts and how these should not be seen by adults after three years to avoid abuse.
  • 1487

    Sprenger and Kramer.

    They said that babies who cry a lot were not actually human but creatures (demons) that were changed in the cradle. This led to the murder of many babies.
  • Heroard's diary.

    Physician to King Louis XIII recounts the baby's birth through the dualistic perception of perception and inversion.
  • Wrap the child.

    Wrap the child.
    It was a very popular trend over time because it made babies cry less and not bother adults.
  • Robert Pemel.

    Robert Pemel.
    Criticizes the existence of wet nurses for the high incidence of infant deaths.
  • Jacques Stella.

    Jacques Stella.
    Standing cage and cradle with straps.
  • La Sra. de Sevigne.

    La Sra. de Sevigne.
    Writer who tells the story of having left her daughter at home when going on a dangerous trip for fear of losing her.
  • Richard Allestree.

    “the new-born babe is full of the stains and pollution of sin, which it inherits from our first parents through our loins . . “ At this time, children are thought of as receiving objects of the projections of the parents, which induces their violation.
  • Thomas Coram.

    He founds the foundling hospital for abandoned children because of the large number of corpses of children killed in the streets of London. This was seen as completely normal at the time.
  • Dr. Hume.

    Dr. Hume.
    He banned the use of Godfrey's Cordial, a patent medicine that was used as a sedative to keep children and babies from crying. It was a compound as toxic as arsenic.
  • Jean Paul Richter.

    he creates a book titled "Levana, Or, The Doctrine of Education" where he criticized the use of frightening figures to scare children as he discovers medical evidence that doing so drives children insane.
  • Period: to

    About the child sexuality.

    During this period the children were severely tortured. The act of masturbation was considered evil, so horrible techniques were applied to prevent children from applying this practice.
  • Period: to

    About the child sexuality 2.

    In this period the use of techniques that attempted against the genitals of children was prohibited and by 1925 the machines used for these were almost eradicated.
  • The Child In Human Progress

    George Payne wrote a book where he talks about infanticide and brutality towards children in the past.
  • Help method.

    A new parenting method is born in which the child's will is not sought to be shaped or defined, instead, the child is given the necessary attention and care that he or she needs so that he himself builds his will and his way of thinking. Neither the blows nor the casticos are used anymore, but the dialogue.
  • Philippe Ariès.

    Philippe Ariès.
    A French historian wrote a book about his childhood called "Centuries of Childhood". It is believed that traditional children were happier because they were mixed with more classes and ages, the creation of "childhood" separated the conception that was had.
  • Alexander Hamilton.

    American pediatrician who criticizes the maltreatment practices of newborns such as squeezing their nipples or making them lick their lips.