• Period: 1230 to 1260

    The First Rockets

    The Chinese began to make a kind of rocket known commonly as fireworks. These rockets were designed to blow um in the air, creating a display of fire and light. They also developed 'fire arrows', a form of weaponry used against invading mongols.
  • First Multi-Staged Rocket

    German fireworks maker Johann Schmidlap invents the two-stage rocket to reach higher altitudes. A large skyrocket (first stage) carries a smaller rocket (second stage).
  • Newton's Law of Motion Published

    Sir Isaac Newton publishes his book Principia, which contains his three laws of motion and lays the scientific foundations for modern rocketry.
  • Period: to

    Rocket Revival

    Indian rockets used against the British catch the attention of Colonel William Congreve. Rockets are subsequently designed for military use by the British military.
  • Spin Stabilisation Invented

    Rockets are altered with newly designed jet vents on an angle, causing the rocket to spin, much alike a bullet. This caused rockets to become more stable and accurate.
  • First Successful Liquid-Propellant Rocket

    On this date, Robert H Goddard, an American scientist, flies a rocket powered by liquid oxygen and gasoline. Goddard goes on to build bigger rockets and higher rockets.
  • V-2 Rockets

    Ballistic missiles are developed by German engineers led by Wernher Von Braun during the Second World War. They burn a mixture of oxygen and alcohol at a rate of 1 ton every 7 seconds. This is the first rocket capable of reaching space.
  • The First Satellite - Sputnik 1

    The Soviet Union launches the first Earth-orbiting artificial satellite. This marks the first significant success of the space race between the world’s two superpowers, the USA and Russia.
  • First American Satellite Launches

    Jet Propulsion Laboratories launch Explorer 1, America’s first satellite. New Zealander Sir William Pickering is director of JPL.
  • NASA Founded

    The United States formally organises its space programme and calls it National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
  • Russian 'Luna 1' Probe to Moon

    Successful launch of Luna 1 by the Russians, which sees the rocket fly past the moon.
  • First Man to Orbit Earth

    Russian Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man to orbit Earth.
  • Moon Landing

    Apollo 11 is the first space flight to land people on the Moon. Neil Armstrong is the first astronaut to set foot on the Moon. 12 astronauts walk on the Moon during 6 missions. Ed Cernan is the last man to step foot on the Moon in 1972.
  • First private launch into Earth orbit

    SpaceX, a private company working towards commercial space travel, launches Falcon 9. This unmanned capsule orbits the Earth twice before landing in the Pacific Ocean.