John F Kennedy became president of the United States. -
Berlin Wall (WORLD)
The Berlin wall was built and cut off West Berlin from East Germany by German Republics. -
Constantine (NOVEL)
(p11) Skeeter's care taker (maid), Constantine, has not been seen and has gone m.i.a on her and no one wants to explain why she had to leave back to Chicago. -
Separate Bathrooms (NOVEL)
Ms.Hilly discusses getting separate bathrooms for the help outside the houses, since it is rumor that black people have natural diseases that are highly contagious. p34 -
Miss Celia (NOVEL)
p55 Ms.Celia hires Minny to teach her how to cook and do chores. White women had everything handled by their maids so they had no idea how to do any house work. -
The Visit (NOVEL)
p.121 Skeeter visits the neighborhood Aibeleen, who is a black maid, lives in. The environment is a lot more different and depressing than she remembered it to be when she visited her maid when she was a little girl. -
Interviewing (NOVEL)
Aibeleen agrees to do secret interviews for Skeeter on her article on the perspective on how a house maid feels working for white families and their sacrifices.210 -
Mayor (NOVEL)
p 231 Mayor Thomspon makes a speech against President Kennedy supporting segregation and that it is the closest thing to heaven and it will stay like that forever. -
Hidden (NOVEL)
- Minny hides from Celias husband because he does not know that Minny is working for Celia and they do not know where he stands in terms of racism.
Marilyn Monroe (WORLD)
Marilyn Monroe Dies. -
Revenge (NOVEL)
- Skeeter gets back at Ms.Hilly by making everyone in town including black maids drop off their old toilets on Ms.Hilly's lawn since she needed a bathroom to keep her maid from using the inside bathroom.
First Black Scholar (REGION)
James Meredith was the first African-American to enroll in a university in Mississippi, and two people were killed in protest riots going against the city allowing a black man into a university with a majority of white people. -
Exposed (NOVEL)
- Ms Hilly is exposed when she ironically tells people that she did not eat the pie Minny did her business in when no one actually told anyone. Ms Hilly did it herself.
500 . Skeeter finally has the book published on the interviews with many black women that are maids serving white families and their perspective on life and the sacrifices they make to keep their families alive. -
President John F Kennedy gave a civil rights speech on desegregation and unity of races, days after the riots on pro-racism and his speech grew out against his saying form the speech he had given in Jackson, Mississippi. -
A NAACP field director and WWII veteran was murdered in his drive way by the KKK, he played a big role in the desegregation in Jackson, Mississippi which was a main reason for the KKK to murder him. -
Freedom Riders (REGION)
Freedom riders, students of the freedom movements participated in boycotts and sit-ins. Medgar, a member was assassinated by a white supremacist involved in white citizens council in Jackson, Mississippi. -
I Have A Dream (REGION)
Martin Luther King Jr led a maarch where he gave his 'I have a dream speech' one of the most iconic speeches to this day in the whole world, speaking against racism. -
Klu Klux Klan (REGION)
The white knights, klu klux klan formed In Mississippi, and began to be involved in deaths of many black men out of acts of racism. Families were terrorized and threatened for that reason. -
Civil Rights (REGION)
Congress passed the civil rights act but white supremacy grew in anger of reaction the the rights that were passed for people who were black. -
Jim Crow (REGION)
Jim Crow laws keeping blacks and white separated in public areas by color were put into place and in effect in this year. Black people has the less quality of public use while white people had the best. -
White Knights (REGION)
White Knights in the KKK killed three civil right act workers and threatened anyone involved in the improvement of the rights for the black people in the community. -
Voting Rights (REGION)
Congress passed a voting rights act allowing all people to vote including black people but this caused a scene with the white community not happy with this outcome. -
Vietnam War (WORLD)
" On January 31, 1968, some 70,000 North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces launched the Tet Offensive (named for the lunar new year holiday called Tet), a coordinated series of fierce attacks on more than 100 cities and towns in South Vietnam"- http://www.history.com/topics/vietnam-war/tet-offensive -
Moon Man (WORLD)
Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to step on the moon