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The Haitian Revolution

  • Black slaves rebelled against their owners

    Black slaves rebelled against their owners
    They took advantage of the situation and killed whites and destroyed plantations
  • Period: to

    Haitian Revolution

  • Toussaint L’Ouverture Letter fighting for equality

    Toussaint L’Ouverture Letter fighting for equality
    He stated he wants Liberty and Equality to reign in San
  • Toussaint allied with spanish

    Toussaint allied with spanish
    He rose to a high rank within the Spanish army.
  • Toussaint allied with the french

    Toussaint allied with the french
    France abolished slavery. He ruled the colony as the colony as the French governor-general. Forced the British troops to withdraw.
  • French victories over the British

    French victories over the British
  • Battles and towns burned defensively by Louverture's army

    Battles and towns burned defensively by Louverture's army
  • Haiti wins the war

    Haiti wins the war
    France could not re-supply their troops and suffered a fever in their camps, Haiti won the war in November 1803.