
The Haitian Revolution

By isadm
  • Violence, High Death Rates, Societal Hierarchy

    Violence, High Death Rates, Societal Hierarchy
    TImes prior to the rebellion in 1791 were full of violence, and fit into the Incubation stage of a revolution.
  • Beginning Of The Revolution

    Beginning Of The Revolution
    This began one night at a voodoo ceremony where a signal was given to start a rebellion. Slaves began to fight back to their masters, leaving properties destroyed, and thousands dead within the first few months. This is when the Symptomatic Stage begins.
  • French Government Sends Soldiers

    French Government Sends Soldiers
    The soldiers were sent to restore order. Upon arriving, they placed a governor to be in charge of a colony. His name was Leger-Felicite Sontomax, and he helped abolish slavery in the northern part of Sante-Domingue.
  • France At War With Britain & Spain

    France At War With Britain & Spain
    Spain and Britain used Sante-Domingue as a way to weaken the French, so they supplied the rebel side with weaponry, and Britain was able to conquer a French army base. This is when the Crisis Stage began taking form.
  • French Government Frees All Slaves

    The government realized that the rebel side might come back to the French if they are given what they want, so they free the slaves in their colonies.
  • Toussaint Louverture Changes Allegiance From Spain To France

    Toussaint Louverture Changes Allegiance From Spain To France
    Prior to this change, Louverture had been a rebel leader on the Spanish side, but once France abolished slavery in its colonies, he changed sides.
  • Spanish & British Weakened By Yellow Fever

    Spanish & British Weakened By Yellow Fever
    Because of this sickness and the other negative factors from the battles, the people of Britain question whether it's worth fighting or not.
  • British Make A Truce

    British Make A Truce
    Britain promises to never return to Sante-Domingue, and Louverture promises to not encourage any rebellions in the British colonies.
  • War Of Knives Begins

    War Of Knives Begins
    Louverture had to face yet another enemy in 1799, Benoit Andre Rigaud. The troubles between the two in the upcoming years would be known as the War Knives.
  • Rigaud Flees To France

    Because of Louverture's extremely high advantage over Rigaud, he is forced to leave Sante-Domingue.
  • Toussaint Louverture Becomes De Facto Ruler

    Toussaint Louverture Becomes De Facto Ruler
    Louverture first invades the Spanish owned portion of Sante-Domingue, and assumes the position of de facto ruler of all of Hispaniola, though he still responds under the command of France.
  • Louverture Writes A Constitution

    Louverture Writes A Constitution
    Because Louverture didn't want any chances of Napoleon reintroducing slavery, he wrote a constitution in which said that France had zero trade advantages, and that slavery could never be brought back to the island.
  • Napoleon Sends Troops To Fight Haitians

    Napoleon Sends Troops To Fight Haitians
    Because the new constitution made Napoleon upset, he sent his troops to fight. In response, the Haitians scorched the ground, so the French wouldn't have much shelter or food. This causes the battles of Ravine-a-Couleuvres and Crete-a-Pierot.
  • Louverture Betrayed And Sent To France

    Louverture Betrayed And Sent To France
    Following the defecting of one of Louverture's generals, Toussaint steps down, just as long as slavery won't be restored. But, he is betrayed and sent to prison for the rest of his life.
  • Guerilla Warfare Begins

    Jean-Jacques and Alexandre Petion start guerilla warfare in fear of slavery being reinstated. Meanwhile, the British come back and create a blockade against the French.
  • Haitians Win The Battle Of Vertieres

    The French are forced to surrender in order to have a safe trip home, and the Haitians officially win the final battle, the Battle of Vertieres. Finally, the Haitians have reached the Convalescence Stage in their revolution.
  • Haiti Becomes The First Independent Latin American Nation

    Just two months after the winning of the final battle, Jean-Jacques Dessalines declares independence for Haiti, having it become the first independent Latin American nation.