The Growth of the Mali Empire

  • Period: 2017 BCE to 2017 BCE

    Gold Princes Increased

    It was during the thirteenth century when the price for gold increased, and multiple people battled one another for the gold trade.
  • Period: 2017 BCE to 2017 BCE

    Mali was Victorious

    Once again, by the thirteenth century, Mali claimed victory and controlled the gold-for-salt exchange.
  • Period: 2017 BCE to 2017 BCE


    One of Mali's mansas, a supreme ruler or "conqueror" helped the warriors of Mali become the most feared of the region. He took his warriors many places, and eventually took control over what was the Ghanaian empire.
  • Period: 2017 BCE to 2017 BCE

    Mansa Musa

    Mansa Musa ruled and took his followers, slaves, scholars, along multiple other people on a haji to the holy city to finish a duty of his.
  • Period: 2017 BCE to 2017 BCE

    Following Mansa Musa

    After Mansa Musa, Mali had one weak leader after another and eventually grew weaker in power and the great empire fell. What was once Mali is now Songhai.
  • Period: 2017 BCE to 2017 BCE

    Mali Flourished

    Due to them winning the fight, and starting the gold for salt trade Mali flourished for three centuries. This is an important moment in history for them the victory they experienced could've ended their empire as a whole, but instead they grew because of it.