The Growth of Quidditch

  • First live match

    The first live match of Quidditch was playedat Middlebury College in Middlebury, VT.
  • World Cup

    First official intercollege World Cup between Middlebury College and Vassar College, from Poughkeepsie, NY.
  • The Spark

    <a href='' ><a href=""><img src=",Crop/633687393000000000" alt="Spring Break 2008: Quidditch Tour 2008" /></a></a>Middlebury Quidditch team roadtrips to six different colleges creating the freenzy that is Quidditch.
  • Second World Cup

    Featured 12 colleges and one international team from McGill University based in Montreal, Canada.
  • Third World Cup

    21 teams traveled to Middlebury, VT to participate with as many as 2,000 spectators.
  • The International Quidditch Association

    incorperated in Vermont with a 10 memeber board.
  • Fourth World Cup

    43 colleges and 3 high schools competed in this cup with more then 15,000 spectators and over 40 international media outlets.
  • First Intercontinental, Transatlantic Quidditch Match

    University of Vaasa from Finland and Vassar College competed in this match.