Green Party expands
The growth of Green Chapters started to pick up steam in the late 1980's. -
Ten Key Values
The Green Committees of Correspondence set forth the Ten Key Values that the Green Party runs by. -
First gathering of greens from over the United States. It was a five day conference and over 2000 participants came. -
California Green Assembly is launched -
Alaska's Green Party
Alaska was the first state to get ballot status for the Green Party -
The Green Party of California
GPCA was founded at Cal State Sacramento. -
The Green/Green Party USA orginization
The groups faced a lot of problems and the expansion they had had in the 1980s stopped in the 1990s. -
Split into The Greens/Green Party USA
Arguments about if their party would be corrupt, the Green Committees of Correspondence split the Party into The Greens/Green Party USA -
Obtained ballot status -
The Green Party of California was the second Green Party founded in the US -
Green Party started off as Association of State Green Parties
The ASGP was formed after the election of 1996. This group was formed to help existing parties. -
New York Greens Assembly
The Ten Key Values were adopted by the New York Greens Assembly in 1996. -
Green Party New York
The New York Green Party gained ballot satus in 1998. -
Presidential Nominating Convention
In Denver, CO., Ralph Nader and Winona LaDuke were nominated for President and Vice President. -
Green Party of the United States
The United State's official Green Party was formed in the year of 2001. -
National Party status
Declared party status with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) -
GPNY lost ballot status
New York lost the right to enroll in the Green Party until 2005, when they gained back the right to have ballot status. -
2004 Green National Convention
In Milwaukee, WI., David Cobb and Pat LaMarche were on the Presidential campaign ticket. -
LA Action
Anti-War March and Rally in downtown Los Angeles. Organized by the Troops Out Now Coalition. This march was centered around pulling the troops out of Iraq as soon as possible. -
2008 Voting
In Chicago, Cynthia McKinneywas voted for President and for Vice Presdient, Rosa Clemente won the election.