Persian wars

The Greek-Persian Wars

By DucC
  • 490 BCE

    The Battle of Marathon

    The Battle of Marathon
    This was the first battle of the Persian Wars. The Persians sent in 20,000 infantry and cavalry to the Plains of Marathon. Thus, This resulted in defeat for the Persians
  • 481 BCE

    The Battle of Thermopylae

    The Battle of Thermopylae
    Thermopylae was a narrow passage were the Persians had to pass through. The Greeks had 7000 troops and hoped to attack the Persians if they passed through.Three days later, the Greeks were exhausted after attacking the Persian fleet in Euboea. A Greek traitor led the Persians to Thermopylae through a mountain pass and all the Greeks stationed there were killed
  • 480 BCE

    The Battle of Salamis

    The Battle of Salamis
    After Thermopylae, Themistocles sent a messenger to Xerxes with false information about the Greek fleet sailing away from battle. Xerxes then sent ships to Salamis. But, the Greeks surprise attacked and destroyed 200 Persian ships. Xerxes watched the entire battle on top of a hill and witnessed a defeat for the Persians.
  • 478 BCE

    Delian League

    Delian League
    After the Battle of Plataea, the Delian League was formed under rule of Pericles. It was an association of Greek city-states, including Sparta and Athens. Their purpose was to liberate Eastern city-states from Persian rule. This was one of the first times the divided city-states came together to defeat the Persians