Period: Jan 1, 1500 to
Scientific revolution
Nov 20, 1505
Astronomical Theory
Copernicus discovered that the Earth was not the center of the universe but the sun was. He also discovered that the Earth rotate one full revolution around the sun every year. Other planets did the same except it took longer depending on their axis. This was something important because they became aware of their mistake. -
Nov 21, 1564
It was invented in England by the people. They called it the lead pencil not knowing that it contains no lead. The pencil was actually graphite or black carbon not lead. They called them the lead pencil and were used to write. -
The thermometer
The thermometer was invented by Galileo in th year 1593. The thermometer was made of water and a glass bulb. The water would move up and down the bulb as the temperature changed. They used it to check if something was hot or cold. Now our thermometers are different we have electronic ones, and they don't use water but we still use them to check the temperature. -
The Telescope
It was invented by Hans Lippershey in 1608 but Galileo was the first one to actually use it. He used two lenses to build it, a small one and a large one. The large one was the one that did the most work. This was important because it help them observe things closer, like moon or stars. -
Mercury Barometer
It was invented by Torricelli, Evangelista in 1643. He inverted a glass tube with mercury into another container with mercury. It would weigh the air in the atmosphere above the tube. The mercury barometer is one of the ones we use today. -
Newton's laws of Motion
Newton presented the 3 laws of motion around the age 66 in the year of 1686. In his first law he talk about Inertia, in the second law he talked about F=ma, and in his third law he stated that for every action there is a equal and opposite reaction. If it weren't for the laws we wouldn't understand motion. -
Bifocal glasses
Benjamin Franklin invented the Bifocal glasses in the 1700s. He was nearsighted an farsighted, like he was tired of of changing glasses all the time so he invented some glasses that worked for both. What he did was cut a line horizontally through the middle of the lense. -
Bartolomeo Cristofori invented the Piano around the year 1720. It was developed from the harpsichord, and it went from pianissimo to fortissimo and every key had a different sound level. We now use the piano as a great music instrument.