Oxygen is a colorless, odorless gas. it was discovered by Joseph Priestley and it was invented by Antoine Lavoisier. Oxygen is soluble in water which makes oceans and lakes exist. The meaning of oxygen is acid-forming because its the base of all acids. -
Atomic Theory
John Dalton's hypothesis was that elements must be made of small matter which are atoms. He develop the "Atomic Theory" a system that defines the the relationship between atoms and and elements. -
Electricity transforms chemicals
To some people electricity was like a new fire. During 1807, Davie Humphrey was performing a battery experiment, he wanted to see if the experiment might give him the answer he was looking for. He discovered that he could possibly produce a pure potassium by melting potash and pass a electric current. -
Synthesis of Urea
Many chemist believe that organic substance or living things were very different from inorganic and non living things cause one has life and the other doesn’t. Fedrich Völher was working on on two inorganic chemicals, he analyze new crystals he made with an inorganic. -
Atoms have signature's of light
Robert Bunsen and one of his colleagues conducted an experiment to determine the substance had different colors while the substance were squirted into the fire. Bunsen created a Bunsen burner to find these lights. -
Period Table of Elements
The Periodic Table of Elements was put together by Demetri Mendeleev, he was writing a textbook for his students and he didn’t know how to explain the elements. He made flash cards and wrote down the information and it’s element and like a map he matched the elements. -
Radioactivity is a particle that is emitted from a nuclei as a result of a nuclear instability. They’re different kinds of radioactivity. -
The Electron
The electrom was discovered by J.J. Thomson, electrons are positive and negative. An Electron is the lightest stable subatomic particles. The chemicals are bonded through electron interaction. -
Plastics are made of hydrogen and carbon. Polymer is as big as a molecule, by repeating a small bit of monomer. Due to their low cost, ease of manufacture, versatility, and imperviousness to water, plastics are used in a multitude of products of different scale, including paper clips and spacecraft. -
Electron form Chemical Bonds
A chemical bond is a lasting attraction between atoms, the strength of chemical bonds varies considerable. A stable compound occurs when energy of its combination has lower energy and separates atoms. -
Atoms combine into Molecules
Atoms combine into molecules by bonding together. If molecules contain atoms of different elements, that substance is known as a compound. -
Chemical Structure
A chemical structure determines a molecular geometry and when feasible and necessary, the electronic structure of the target molecule. -
A fullerene is an allotrope of carbon in the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, tube, and many other shapes. Simple molecular substances consist of molecules in which the atoms are joined by strong covalent bonds.