The Great War Timeline

By McyD
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz ferdinand

    Was what caused Austria to declare war on Serbia, which started World War 2.
  • Period: to

    Great War Timeline

  • Austria's Decleration of War

    Austria officially declares war on Serbia, which causes allies to join the war. That day Russia (Serbia's Ally) begins to move troops to the border of Austria-Hungary
  • Schlieffen Plan

    Because of Germany's (Austria-Hungary's Ally) central location, the develop the Schlieffen plan. They were suppose to send a large portion of Germany's Army to France for a quick win, and then send those troops to Russia. But, France was harder to take then they had thought, and they were now forced to fight a two front war.
  • First Battle of the Marne

    Was one of the most important battles in the war. Because the German's were defeated, the Schlieffen Plan was ruined and Germany had to fight people on both the East and the West.
  • Battle of Limanowa

    After being pushed deeped into Austria by the Russians, at the Battle of Limanowa the Austrians were able to finaly defeat the Russians, driving them east. Eventually they would push the Russians out of Austria-Hungary.
  • Gallipoli Campaign

    The attacks Allies made on the Ottoman Empire in an attempt to capture the Dardanelles, and eventually Constantinople. This became a stalemate and the Allies suffred about 250,00 casualties before finally giving up on the campaign.
  • Battle of Verdun

    A massive attack by the Germans torwards France.This caused massive causalties, with both sides losing more than 300,000 men.
  • Battle of Somme

    An attack by the British in an attempt to help France with the Germans. On the first day more that 20,000 british soldiers were killed, and about half a million casualties on both sides before the battle ended.
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

    The policy adopted by the Germans. It meant that they would sink any ship without warning in the waters around Britain.
  • The United States Enters War

    The United States Entering the war with the Allies was a big advantage because the American soldiers were not worn out from the war, and the United States was able to provided resources to help the Allies out.
  • Russian Revolution

    The Russian Revolution caused Russia to sign a peace treaty with Germany, and drop-out of the war. The peace treaty was hard on Russia, causing them to give up land to Germany.
  • Second Battle of the Marne

    With the new support from the American's the Allies crushed through German lines in the Second Battle of the Marne. After the Germans were defeated the Allied forced began advancing towards Germany.
  • Armistice

    A representative of the new German government met with marhsal Foch in a railway car, and the two signe an armistice. This was an agreement to stop fighting, and on November 11 the Great War came to an end.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    After heated arguments among leaders, a compromise was finally reached. The Treaty of Versailles was then sign between Germany and the Allied Powers on June 28, 1919, this was the offical end of the war.