The Great War

  • Rivalry between Germany and France #2 and #4

    The Franco-Prussian War was fought between France and Germany, afterwards, France wanted their land back from Germany, so Nationalism grew which caused a rivalry between the two nations.
  • An Alliance forms #2

    The triple alliance formed as a secret agreement with Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy causing a political rivalry with other nations in secret.
  • Fight over Africa #2

    Fight over Africa #2
    European powers fought over the parts of Africa at the Berlin Conference conflicts over mapping ground without anyone knowing anything about the land.
  • Another Alliance #2

    Another Alliance #2
    The Triple Entente was another alliance between Russia, Great Britain, and France which became a rivalry with other secret alliances.
  • Britain block Germany #2

    Britain block Germany #2
    Great Britain used its superior navy and set up a blockade that kept war materials and other goods from reaching Germany.
  • The assassination of Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary #2,#3,#4

    The assassination of Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary #2,#3,#4
    The Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary Archduke Franz and his wife were shot and killed by a Nationalist Bosnian Serb inspired by Slavic nationalism.
  • Serbia wants nationalism for it own state #3 and #4

    Serbia wanted to have be an independent Slavic state in the Balkans but Austria-Hungary wanted to prevent it.
  • Russia Involved #1

    Russia Involved #1
    Russia wanted to support Serbia's clause against Austria-Hungary and mobilized which is seen as an act of war.
  • Tsar Nicholas 11 orders mobilization #5

    Tsar Nicholas 11 of Russia ordered a partial mobilization on Austria-Hungary and the next day he ordered a full mobilization.
  • Germany Involved #1

    The German Government told the Russians to stop the mobilization and they declared war on Russia.
  • Russia Mobilizes #5 #7 #9

    Russia entered the war and could mobilize faster then Germany which forced the Germans to fight on 2 fronts.
  • European Government #5

    European Governments gave pleas for defense against aggressors which encouraged the civilian population to support total war.
  • Great Britain Involved #1

    Great Britain declared war on Germany for interfering with Belgium's neutral state in the war.
  • Europe uses Propaganda #4

    European governments used propaganda to spread ideas to convince the civilians to support total war.
  • Battle of Tannenberg #6

    Fought between Russia and Germany in Russia, resulted in destruction of the Russia's 2nd army and suicide of its general.
  • Lord Kitchener's Proposal #5 #4

    Lord Kitchener's Proposal #5 #4
    The famous recruitment poster including Lord Kitchener which states "our country needs you;" appealed to an individuals honor and sense of nationalism to recruit soldiers for the war effort.
  • 1st Battle of the Marne #7

    1st Battle of the Marne #7
    The French drove the Germans back to the Aisne river which forced the Germans to dig down and form trenches which was a turning point because all armies stalled for years in the trenches.
  • North Sea #11

    The North Sea is declared British military area creating a blockade of supplies reaching Germany. The Central Powers suffered from cold and malnutrition caused by food and coal shortages.
  • Battle of Ysar #8

    Along the Ysar River, the front line was held by the Belgiums who halted the German advance.
  • Picasso #20

    Abandons Cubism because it is associated with German culture and perceived as unpatriotic in France. He produces work in a Neoclassical style in 1915 with a drawing of a friend Max Jacob.
  • Germany uses chemical weapons #12

    Germany uses chemical weapons #12
    The Germans used chemical weapons or chlorine gas in the war at Ypres with 1000 killed and 7000 injured.
  • Armenian Genocide #12

    The Ottoman Turks accused the Armenians of helping the Russians in war and began executing them.
  • Armenian Genocide of Intellectuals #12

    The Armenian Genocide began when the Turkish government executed several hundred Armenian intellectuals.
  • The Gallipoli Campaign #6

    The Allied troops arrived at the Gallipoli Peninsula in Ottoman Turkey, but eventually retreated.
  • Gallipoli Peninsula #8

    Gallipoli Peninsula #8
    The peninsula caused death to many allied troops because they were positioned at the bottom of a hill.
  • "The Soldier" #19

    "The Soldier" #19
    By Rupert Brooke describes life in England and how soldiers will never see it again because of the lies of militarism and there is no glory in war.
  • Lusitania sinks #4

    Lusitania sinks #4
    The Americans were neutral, but after the Lusitania sinks they shift to be pro-Allies.
  • Great Britain uses Chemical Weapons #12

    The British military used chemical weapons for the first time against Germany at the Battle of Coos.
  • Battle of Verdun #6

    Battle of Verdun #6
    The battle was one of the longest and costliest battle started when the Germans attacked the French at the Village of Verdun.
  • Battle of Jutland #6

    Battle of Jutland #6
    The largest naval battle of the war with Germany trying to ambush the British Navy in the North Sea.
  • British Loss #11

    The British Army loses 57,470 men at the Battle of Somme which is the largest loss of life in one day.
  • Following the Battle of the Somne #8

    The Western Front was very cold so the ground was frozen which made it difficult to build trenches which led to frostbite, pneumonia, and poor morale.
  • White Friday # 8

    White Friday # 8
    10,000 soldiers from the Austro-Hungarian and Italian sides are killed by avalanches in the Dolomites.
  • Unrestricted Submarine Warfare #1 and #10

    Unrestricted Submarine Warfare #1 and #10
    A German attack sunk a a boat called the Lusitania killing 128 and led congress to pass a 250 million dollar appropriations bill to declare War on Germany
  • Tsar steps down #9

    Tsar Nicholas II steps down from his throne allowing Vladimir Lenin to take over the throne of Russia.
  • Women take a stand #3 and #9

    Women take a stand #3 and #9
    The Russian working-class women led strikes in the capital of Petrograd over the price of bread.
  • Czar down #3

    Czar down #3
    A provisional government was formed made up mainly of middle class citizens who wanted Czar to step down because he did not support the war or aristocrats.
  • U.S uses Propaganda #4 and #10

    U.S uses Propaganda #4 and #10
    The U.S use propaganda in ads and movies to get people to join the war and made it seem glorious and very honorable.
  • U.S Stops Germany #4 and #10

    When the United States declares war on Germany, the entry of the United States stopped the German advance.
  • U.S Enters War #1 and #10

    The United States ultimately decided to enter the war after a threat from Germany about them selling weapons to Great Britain.
  • U.S Draft #5 #10

    The United States passed the Selective Service Act which required all men between the ages of 21 and 30 to register for a military draft to gather troops.
  • U.S Sends Troops #10

    U.S Sends Troops #10
    The United States sent over a million troops to the war in Europe and went through a war they were not prepared for.
  • Espionage act #12

    Espionage act #12
    The Congress passed the Espionage act which made it a crime for the Armenians to speak against their government's war effort.
  • "A Soldier's Declaration," #19

    By Siegfried Sasson making a statement about the defiance of military authority and how the war is being extended by the people who have the power to end the war.
  • Third Battle of Ypres #6

    Third Battle of Ypres #6
    In Belgium, British forces try to capture a rail junction and attack a German Submarine base.
  • Third Battle of Ypres #8

    The British made some earlier gain but later failed to make any strategic gains because of the rain.
  • Industrial Workers of the World imprisoned #12

    Federal agents raided the offices of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) arrested and imprisoned hundreds for their ideas, not anything they had done.
  • Winter Palace Down #9

    The Bolshevik revolutionaries stormed into the Winter Palace and seized power and control form the Provisional Government.
  • "Dulce et Decorum est" #20

    "Dulce et Decorum est" #20
    Is a poem by Wilfred Owen about the horrors of warfare. He was a decorated war hero, who died in combat.
  • Bolsheviks Seize Power #3

    During the night, the Bolsheviks seized the Winter Palace and the government quickly collapsed.
  • American Politics #19

    The disillusionment of Americans with politics after WW1 caused increased desire for isolationism which results in U.S Senates refusal to ratify the Treat of Versailles and approve U.S membership in the League of Nations.
  • "Suicide in the Trenches" #20

    "Suicide in the Trenches" #20
    A poem by Siegfried Sasson, published in Cambridge Magazine talks about the suicide of young soldiers and criticizes the people who cheer the soldiers when they are secretly happy they are not one of them.
  • Russia gives land #9,#16, and #18

    Russia gives land #9,#16, and #18
    Russia signs the treaty of Brest-Litvosk which gives up some of its territory creating Estonia, Latvia, Poland, and Lithuania, and ending their participation in WWI.
  • Russia stops fighting #9 #7

    The Germans and the Russians signed a treaty to stop the fighting so that Russia could focus on the revolution taking place in Russia.
  • Indian Soldiers #11

    Indian Soldiers #11
    Over 1.3 million Indian soldiers fought for the allied forces during WW1 and more than 74,000 lost their lives.
  • WWI totals #11 #19

    The ending of the war had an estimated 8.5 million soldiers who lost their lives as a result of wounds or diseases, and many were injured.
  • The United States' Needs #13

    The U.S wanted to end secret treaties and basically wanted all nations to have peace and form their own union
  • Germany's Needs #13

    Germany wanted to be at the Treaty of Versailles and also wanted armistice, military, and empire.
  • Balkans' Needs #13

    The Balkans wanted the south Slavic Empire and peace for all of the many different people of their country.
  • France's Needs #13 #17 #18

    France's Needs #13 #17 #18
    France wanted reparations and the coal mines in the Saar basin which would make them very wealthy.
  • Great Britain's Needs #13

    Great Britain wanted control of Germany's colonies and wanted Germany to pay all war reparations.
  • Republicans #15

    The Republicans didn't want to join the League of Nations because they thought that joining would lead to a loss of many lives.
  • Great Britain #14 and #17

    Great Britain receive Palestine, Jordan, and Iraq, but their economy was slow to recover from the war.
  • Italy #14 and #16 and #17

    Italy lost clout because they changed sides, received land on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, but got very little of it.
  • Germany pays #14 #17

    Germany pays #14 #17
    Germany was not involved in the peace conference of the treaty signing and had to pay war reparations that was an estimated 30 billion dollars which caused the economy to drop.
  • France #14,17

    France got control of Alsace and Lorreina, and they also got German coal mines and colonies in Africa which included Syria and Lebanon.
  • Austria-Hungary #14, #16, #17 and #18

    Had to pay reparations which devastated the economy and the the country split in two and lost 3/4 of territory and 2/3 of people.
  • Italy #16 and #18

    Italy #16 and #18
    Italy received south Tyrol from the Treaty of Versailles which had about 250,000 Austrian Germans.
  • The Balkans #16 and #18

    The Balkans #16 and #18
    They wanted a south Slav state known as Yugoslavia, but Serbia dominated the new country.
  • Japan claims land #16 and #18

    Japan claims land #16 and #18
    Japan wanted a lot of land in China, but only got the Shandong which made China furious.
  • US Doesn't Join #15

    The United States wanted to end secret treaties, but the League of Nations didn't, so the U.S did not join.
  • Weak #15

    The League of Nations had no troops, so they were unable to act on decisions very quickly when problems occurred.
  • Affects on League of Nations #15

    After the U.S did not join, the League did not have the power to make any of the rules it made up.
  • Not Enough Nations

    The League of Nation's was never able to have more than 65 members at any given time so they weren't represented fully.
  • USSR #19

    USSR #19
    Vladimir Lenin and the communists start the USSR or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics which is a Totalitarian style government using Communism or a classless society.
  • The Hollow Men #20

    The Hollow Men #20
    A poem by T.S. Eliot which was concerned mostly with post- World War I describing the journey of the spiritually dead.
  • Gertrude Stein #20

    Gertrude Stein #20
    Stein referred to a group of famous American writers as the "Lost Generation" who were described as artists disillusioned by senseless killings of so many during WWI. Writers include Ernest Hemingway who wrote A Farewell to Arms in 1929 and other books about the horrors of the war.
  • Ghandi fights back #11

    Ghandi fights back #11
    Mahatma Ghandi starts a campaign of civil disobedience in protest of the British ignoring India's contribution to the war by not giving India independence.