Chinese Nationalists oust the last Qing emperor, Puyi
In 1911, Chinese Nationalists ousted Henry Puyi, the last emporor of the Qing Dynasty. Before this, the Qing Dynasty had ruled China for almost 300 years. The new nationalist government, called the Kuomintang, was led by Sun Yat-Sen. -
World War I begins as Austria declares war of Serbia
In 1914, when Serbia wanted to be independent from Austria-Hungary, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria went to Serbia to show the people that he was on their side. Garvillo Princep, a member of a secret group that wanted to kill the Archduke, assassinated him. Austria then declared war on Serbia, starting World War I -
US enters the war
Towards the end of World War I, the US saw the conflict as greatly European. This all changed when Arthur Zimmerman sent a telegram to Mexico telling them that Germany would help them reconquer Mexican land lost to the US. US then entered the war on the side of the allies. -
Armistice signed as Allies defeat Central Powers
Towards the end of the war, the balance was tipping in favor of the Allies. Howevery, Germany had planned one more invasion of France. As the Germans were approaching, the German soldiers abandoned the Kaiser, ending World War I. An armistice, or a peace agreement, was signed. -
Gandhi leads Indian camapaign of civil disobedience
In, India, a sense of nationalism was rising. In the British controlled country, people were mad due to the fact that the British had denied them independence and wronged them multiple times. Protesting was rampant in the streets, and it was led by Mohandas Gandhi. -
Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic
After World War 1, previous territories owned by the Ottoman Empire had many different ideas about how the new land should be used. Mustafa Kemal of Turkey had ideas of turning his country into a republic based on states in the west. In 1923 Kemal transformed Turkey into a Republic. -
Mao Zedong heads Long March
After the Qing Dynasty was overthrown, two main parties arised in China. They were the Kuomintang (Nationalists) and the Communists. Although the two parties wanted to work together, the Nationalists betrayed the trust by invading Communist headquarters. The Communist Party and its leader Mao Zedong embarked on the Long March to flee the Nationalists.