
The Great War and Impact of World War 1 Timeline

  • Chinese Nationalists oust the last Qing emperor, Puyi

    Chinese Nationalists oust the last Qing emperor, Puyi
    After centuries of the Qing Dynasty, the Chinese had a power struggle between the two parties. Those two parties were the nationalists and the communists and could not be more opposite.
  • World War I begins as Austria declares war of Serbia

    World War I begins as Austria declares war of Serbia
    Europe was primed for war, with all countries taking sides and what the Black Hand did provided that spark. The Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente had been formed and with the killing of the crowned prince of Austria-Hungary, everyone went to the worst war the world has ever seen.
  • U.S. Enters the war

    U.S. Enters the war
    At the beginning of the war, the US had no reason to enter the war. However, due to the Zimmerman Telegram and the sinking of the Lustitania, the US became outraged and in 1917, congress declared war and joined the side of the Allies.
  • Armistice signed as Allies defeat Central Powers

    Armistice signed as Allies defeat Central Powers
    In 1918, with the aid of the US the Allies won the war. At the conclusion, the two sides signed an armistice, or agreement to stop fighting, and met to come up with what was the Treaty of Versailles.
  • Gandhi leads Indian camapaign of civil disobedience

    Gandhi leads Indian camapaign of civil disobedience
    After the British repeatedly treated the Indians like second-class citizens, Ghandi decided to protest nonviolently. He led a campaign of civil disobedience and did not buy British goods like clothes which really hurt the British economy.
  • Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic

    Mustafa Kemal transforms Turkey into Republic
    After the fall of the Ottoman empire, Mustafa took on the task of transforming and modernizing his country, Turkey. Kemal was a dictator, but also charismatic and made Turkey a secular state and is beloved by the Turks today and has been given the name Atatruk.
  • MaoZedong heads Long March

    MaoZedong heads Long March
    After the fall of the Qing dynasty, a power struggle between the Natioanlist and Zedong's Communists and after the Nationalists forced the Communists out of the south they took part in a 6,000 mile march north which they miraculously survived.