The great success of the Napoleon Era

  • The coup d'etat

    The coup d'etat
    On September 9th, 1799, The coup d'etat was going to be carried out. During the coup d'etat, Napoleon became the first consul of France. The coup d'etat was planned by Abbé Sieyès, Talleyrand, and Napoleon to overthrew the Directory which was a political accomplishment because they took away their power and a chance to rebuild France. The event is considered the end of the French revolution and a start to Napoleon's reign as a ruler.
  • The Bank Of France

    The Bank Of France
    On January 18, 1800, the bank of France was created. Napoleon designated the bank to give out loans to traders and manufacturers of small businesses. The bank was his financial agent because it improved the efficiency and honesty of tax collectors. The reduced amounts of job loss from the new bank is an economic improvement.
  • Battle of Marengo

    Battle of Marengo
    Napoleon spent the winter and spring of 1799 and 1800 to prepare his troops for war on Austria. He began to start a flank in Italy going through St. Bernard where he appeared unexpectedly behind the Austrians. During their battle, France conquered Po valley through the Adige, then in December the French defeated the Austrians, and forced them to sign a peace treaty, which is considered one of Napoleon's Military accomplishments.
  • Concordat of 1801

    Concordat of 1801
    On July 15, 1801, Napoleon and the Pope signed an agreement which created peace between the revolutionaries and the Catholics, The Roman Catholic Church civil status was restored and ended the violations caused by the church reforms. The restoring of the churches can be viewed as social reform.
  • Reformed the Education System

    Reformed the Education System
    On May 1, 1802, Napoleon created a new educational system that would make a more stable learning environment. He introduced 4 school systems, the primary school, the secondary school, military schools, and technical schools. Military schools were a hot topic luring in more than 18,000,000 students. Napoleon also tried to promote equality allowing females to study religious studies. This created an economical growth in France because of the success he was bringing to education.
  • Napoleon sells the Louisiana Territory

    Napoleon sells the Louisiana Territory
    On December 20 of 1803, Napoleon sold the Louisiana Territory to the U.S colonies and in return gaining 15 million dollars. Napoleon used this money for his military creating a stronger army which in the future will gain his many achievements and the other on the economic gains.
  • Napoleon made the Napoleonic Code

    Napoleon made the Napoleonic Code
    On March 21st of 1804, the Napoleonic Code was created. Napoleon's invention reorganized several branches of the law creating a more stable living community. The code also gave women individual rights and all male citizens were granted equal rights under the law and the right to religious disagreement. Napoleon getting the branches back in order can be viewed as a reform in society.
  • Napoleon Crowned Emperor

    Napoleon Crowned Emperor
    In December of 1804, Napoleon's hard work finally paid off when he became the new Emperor of France in the Notre Dane Cathedral. Napoleon was the first Frenchmen in a thousand years to hold the title of being emperor. Napoleon was very worthy of holding the political title of being an emperor because he is considered one of the greatest military strategists of all time.
  • Victory in the Battle of Austerlitz against Austria and Russia

    Victory in the Battle of Austerlitz against Austria and Russia
    On December 2, 1805, Napoleon's army of 68,000 defeated the 90,000 Russian and Austrians. During the war, Napoleon was able to kill 15,000 and captured 9,000 of their men, while Napoleon only lost 5,000 of his men. This made Prussia temporary out of the Anti- French alliance and forced Austria to sign the Treaty of Pressburg. Beating Russian and Austria is considered one of Napoleon's greatest achievements in his military field.
  • Defeats the Russians at Battle of Friedland

    Defeats the Russians at Battle of Friedland
    On June 14, 1807, Napoleon led his army of 80,000 people to Alle River at Friedland to fight the 58,000 Russians under the command of General Leonty Leontyevich Bennigsen. Napoleon with his brilliant strategies launched an attack and in two hours his army was able to push the southern half of the Russian back to the town of Friedland. The Russians had retreated and Napoleon had won another battle, this can be viewed as one of Napoleon's military achievements.
  • Duchy of Warsaw

    Duchy of Warsaw
    On July 7, 1807, after Napoleon's victory against Purrsia, he established a new embassy called Duchy of Warsaw. Napoleon soon took the constitution and framed it on the French model then established a powerful executive government. The Napoleonic code later became the law of the duchy. The ruler of the Duchy was Frederick Augustus and he had very little power and was rarely in the Duchy and with Napoleon's constitution, he created a reformed society.
  • Napoleon Married Marie-Louise

    Napoleon Married Marie-Louise
    On March 11, 1810, Napoleon and Marrie-Louise got married. This was big for both Austria and France because the two countries have been enemies for a long time. This would force both nations to peace and sign a treaty. Both empires coming together can be viewed as a social reform because it brought unity to the two societies.
  • Russian Campaign

    Russian Campaign
    The Russian Campaign began on July 24, 1812. The war started because the Russians refused to follow Napoleon's orders of being part of the potential blockage. Tensions started to boil up and Napoleon invaded Russia with more than 60,000 men, but he would later find out this would be one of the biggest mistakes he has ever made.
  • The End of an Era

    The End of an Era
    Napoleon dominated during his 15 years as emperor. He became the biggest figure of Europe and managed to take a broken economy and create a fully functional one and provided more opportunities for all humans, Napoleon's military strategies got France more land and more power, he would never be taken as a lazy commander.