The Great Society

  • Tax Reduction Act

    This cut corporate and individual taxes to stimulate growth. Individual income tax rates were 20%. There are some new tax laws now.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    Elementary and Secondary Education Act
    Directed money to schools for textbooks, library materials, and special education. This is the far-reaching federal legislation affecting education ever. The problem this is trying to effect is where the money is going. This program is still going today.
  • Omnibus Housing Act

    Omnibus Housing Act
    This provides money for low-income housing. This makes sure people that can't afford houses can still live in on. This is still going today.
  • Voting Rights Act

    Voting Rights Act
    This ended the practice of requiring voters to pass literacy tests and permitted the federal government to monitor voter registration. This can made more people being able to vote. This is still around today.
  • Highway Safety Act

    This required states to set up highway safety programs. This is supposed to save lives, prevent inquires, and reduce vehicle crashes. This is still around.
  • Truth in Packaging Act

    Truth in Packaging Act
    This set standards for labeling consumer products. This makes sure people that want to eat a product knows what is in it. This is still going today.