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The Great Melting Pot

  • Naturalization Rule

    Congress creates a uniform rule so that any free white person could apply for citizenship after two years of residency.
  • Alien and Sedition Act

    This act required at least 14 years of residency before citizenship could be applied for. This also allowed for the deportation of "dangerous" aliens.
  • Alien and Seditious Act Updated

    This act required at least 14 years of residency before citizenship could be applied for. This also allowed for the deportation of "dangerous" aliens. However, it was updated to only 5 years of residency required.
  • Immigration Begins

    Around this time, Irish and German immigrants started to come into into the United States. There were roughly five million immigrants. This wave lasted until the Civil War.
  • The Steerage Act

    The United States passed this act which made captains improve traveling conditions for ships. This also required the disclosure of the demographist of who was on board. These ships carried many immigrants, and the data gathered in these ships were the first federal records of ethnicity.
  • Period: to

    The Civil War

  • Immigration Act

    This act legalized labor recruitment practices in attempt to encourage immigration to the United States.
  • The 14th Amendment

    The 14th amendment of the Untied States Constitution grants all who were born or naturalized into he United States, citizenship.
  • The Naturalization Act

    This act gave more rights to African American descents. However, it also denied rights of citizenship to other non white immigrants.
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese immigrants were excluded from coming into the United Stats, as well as, the option to become citizens.
  • Immigration Act

    This act taxed 50 cents on all aliens landing into he United States ports. The immigrants were also assets on criteriaincluding prior conviction, lunatics, or those who were unable to take care of themselves. If they had any of the following, they were not allowed to enter.
  • Contract Labor Law

    This banned American's or organizations from engaging in labor contracts with those who are not citizens to the US. This also outlawed ship captains from transporting immigrants under labor contracts.
  • Immigration Act

    This revised version of the 1882 Immigration Act stated still that certain classes of individuals were unfit to become American citizens. However, upon arrival individuals were now inspected and required to give their name, nationality last residence and where they are planning to go in the United States.
  • Geary Act

    This extended the 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act for ten more years.
  • Scott Act

    This extended Chinese exclusion laws indefinably.
  • The Expatriation Act

    This act stripped United States born women from their citizenship title if they married a non citizen immigrant.
  • Emergency Quota Act

    This was to temporarily limit the number of immigrants to the United States by imposing quotes based on country of birth.
  • The Indian Citizens Act

    This grants all native americans born in the United States automatic citizenship.
  • Women's Citizenship

    This allowed women to hold their citizenship title, and marry a non-citizen.
  • Executive Order 9066

    This order, written by President Franklin Roosevelt, was set in place to remove any induvial who were perceived as a threat to the United States national security.
  • The Civil Rights Act

    This banned civil discrimination of the basis or race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. This was a fundamental moment for the civil rights legislation.
  • Immigration Reform and Control Act

    This act revolves around the matter of illegal immigration into the United States.