Gatsby mti jacket 16 9

The Great Gatsby Timeline

  • Feb 2, 1300

    Fabricated Truths

    Fabricated Truths
    Truth is created when people listen to rumors from many people. This in the characters minds indicated that what they heard is true just because everybody else also thinks it is true. “But we heart it . . . We heard it from three people, so it must be true”(p. 19). The fact that Daisy beliefs everything that people ( a big amount of people) tell her shows how ignorant/ innocent she is because she thinks that people won't lie to her.
  • Feb 2, 1300


    As it is described in the book we can see that the people have great luxuries, Gatsby has the ability to throw massive parties with great decorations in his mansion. “ His family were enormously wealthy--even in college his freedom with money was a matter of reproach--”(p.6) “Well, he wasn’t always a butler; he used to be the silver polisher for some people in New York that had a silver service for two hundred people”(p.13).
  • Apr 2, 1300


    Women was looking pretty and being quiet. Men could have affairs and do whatever they wanted, no matter if it was wrong or unjust towards their wife; women had to be quiet. “ I’m glad it’s a girl. And I hope she’ll be a fool--that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool”(p. 17). This shows how women were expected to be ignorant and ( taking care of themselves) look beautiful.
  • Nick and Gatsby at war.

    Nick and Gatsby at war.
    At the beginning of the book we can see how Nick describes his arrival from war.However Nick would of never imagined that his old acquaintance from war was called Gatsby. At Nicks first party we can see how Gatsby approached him; "‘Your face is familiar,’ he said, politely. ‘Weren’t you in the Third Division during the war?’
    ‘Why, yes. I was in the Ninth Machine-Gun Battalion.’
    ‘I was in the Seventh Infantry until June nineteen-eigh- teen. I knew I’d seen you somewhere before.’ (PG.PDF.52).
  • Daisy and Gatsby

    Daisy and Gatsby
    Jordan Becker started describing how she had previously met Gatsby in 1917. Mrs. Becker started the story by describing a previous memory of hers; "The officer looked at Daisy while she was speaking, in a way that every young girl wants to be looked at sometime, and because it seemed romantic to me I have remembered the incident ever since.” (pg.pdf.81). As stated we can see hoe Gatsby and Daisy had a very connected past, however when Gatsby left for war Daisy was left alone.
  • Follow up of Daisy and Gatsby

    Four years later when Jordan had met him at his party she would of never thought that the man she profusely remembered was Gatsby. The story of Daisy and Jay ended in how he left without any trace and how Daisy remarried.
  • Follow up on dinner with Daisy and tom

    When Nick arrived we could see that he had a previous past with the family;" the history of the summer really begins on the evening I drove over there to have dinner with the Tom Buchanans. Daisy was my second cousin once removed and I’d known Tom in college." (.PG,PDF.8). As clearly stated we can see that Nick will make connections between Daisy and Gatsby due to his past with Daisy as his cousin; and Gatsby because of their war past.
  • Nick arrives to West Egg and has dinner with Tom and Daisy.

    Nick arrives to West Egg and has dinner with Tom and Daisy.
    At the beginning of the story Nick Caraway starts describing his arrival to West Egg and how all of the people from the community have recently made their fortune. Nick moved to West Egg to learn about the bond business. Throughout Nicks introduction we can see how he had just rented a house right next to Gatsby's mansion. Throughout his arrival to West Egg Nick is invited to Tom and Daisy's House to have dinner. (Toms house is right across Gatsby's house.)
  • Valley of Ashes

    Valley of Ashes
    The valley of ashes is described as the dead/ isolated place were everything is old and all eventually turns grey. "This is a valley of ashes—a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and finally, with a transcen- dent effort, of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air.(PG.PDF.26).
  • Valley of Ashes follow Up

    We can clearly see that the valley of she's is used to represent the lower class; it is used to take place of what no longer exists due to the death and poorness of the valley. During this chapter we can see how Nick and Tom cross the valley to go into a misteriouse adventure.
  • Tom and his Mistress

    Tom and his Mistress
    In chapter two we can see how Nick travels with Tom to meet his mistress trough the valley of ashes. As they arrived Nick realized that the place were Myrtle lived was poor making him doubt many things about Tom. When tom had asked Nick to assist him Nick said to himself "Though I was curious to see her I had no desire to meet her—but I did.(PG.PDF.27). We can clearly see that Tom had bean cheating on Daisy with a lower class girl due to the location of were they had "jumped off".
  • Toms Mistress follow up

    Although Nick had nothing to say his persecutive towards Tom had changed-meaning he realized that tom was the type of man that had money and thought he could do everything he wanted.
  • Gatsby's Party

    Gatsby's Party
    Gatsby's party were heard all around West Egg. His parties were known to be big and fancy.Everything had and order and a schedule; “On Mondays eight servants including an extra gardener toiled all day with mops and scrubbing-brushes and hammers and garden-shears, repairing the ravages of the night before Every Friday five crates of oranges and lemons arrived from a fruiterer in New York—every Monday these same oranges and lemons left his back door in a pyramid of pulpless halves.” (PG.PDF.43).
  • Party Follow up

    At Gatsby's party Nick met Jordan Becker. She told Nick all about Gatsby and how he had bean known to be a mysterious man, and how nobody believed anything he said. Later that evening Nick had the pleasure of meeting Gatsby, that is when they realized they had both previously come back from war. At that moment Nick did not realize he was Gatsby, It was until later that evening that Jordan introduced Gatsby to Nick. Nick was ashamed that he did not realize who Gatsby was when they were talking.
  • Gatsby proves himself to Nick

    Gatsby proves himself to Nick
    After Gatsby's big Party Nick had left with many doubts abut Jay. It wasn't until Gatsby had invited him, that Nick thought of him as a liar. During their talk Gatsby starts explaining his experience about war and how he was promoted; "He reached in his pocket and a piece of metal, slung on a ribbon, fell into my palm.” “‘That’s the one from Montenegro.” (PG.PDF72). Nick surprised of the evidence begins to trust and believe in Gatsby, making them both become closer to each other.
  • Gatsby and Nick go to Lunch

    Gatsby and Nick go to Lunch
    After their intimate moment Gatsby decided to ask Nick if he would like to join him for dinner. As they started their adventure Nick started to realize the places they were driving through; "Over the great bridge, with the sunlight through the girders making a constant flicker upon the moving cars, with the city rising up across the river in white heaps and sugar lumps all built with a wish out of non-olfactory money." (PG.PDF.74).
  • Gatsby and Nick go to lunch follow up

    As previously sean we can se how their relationship is growing more and more, we can see that they both are enjoying their time and that they both trust and believe in each other. However we can foreshadow that Gatsby wants something to do with Nick du to his connection towards Daisy. We can asume this because he asked Jordan Baker to talk to Nick about the past later that evening.
  • Meyer Wolfshiem

    Meyer Wolfshiem
    After they both had arrived to lunch they met with Meyer Wolfshiem ( he was an old friend of Gatsby after the war.).Nick intrigued by this man decided to ask Gatsby who he was; Gatsby responded that "he was a gambler" and that "He’s the man who fixed the World Series back in 1919.” (PG.PDF.79). As shown we can clearly tell that Meyer Wolfshiem and Gatsby had a mysterious past and connection. Due to this mystery we can tell that Nick had become suspicious of their relationship.
  • Daisy and Gatsby reunited

    Daisy and Gatsby reunited
    Gatsby had asked Nick to plan a dinner so that Daisy and Jay could meet again."For half a minute there wasn’t a sound. Then from the living room I heard a sort of choking murmur and part of a laugh followed by Daisy’s voice on a clear artificial note.‘I certainly am awfully glad to see you again.’ (PG.PDF.92). As shown we can see the importance of them meeting again and how it shapes their characters. This is important because all the events happened lead to them coming back together .
  • Daisy and Gatsby reunited follow up

    As the night passed we can see that it was so important that they meet again, or else everything Gatsby did would of being for nothing. Through the chapter we can see how they both were having the time of their life's that they didn't even realize that Nick was their with them."I had nothing to do in the hall so I went into the room." (PG.PDF.92). Nick had nothing to do. It was time for Jay and Daisy to talk.