Effects of great depression basics 1 728

The Great Depression-By Brady Hanson

  • Period: to

    great Depression

  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    The stock market crashed on this day becase of the factories trying to cut back on production after World War 1 ended.
  • Banks Closing

    Banks Closing
    At the start of the great depression thye banks were suffering there where around 4 "waves of bank panics, this forced many banks to close. Durring Roosevelts administration FDR closed all banks for a time inorder to figure out which banks could remain and which ones cannot.
  • Hoovers Administration

    Hoovers Administration
    Hoover and his Administration were repubilican and had the beilf that the government should not have a role in the Us economics. So the great depression never got better.
  • Election of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    Election of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
    A new presidential election started with FDR Vs. H Hoover, FDR was the Democratic representative and Hoover as the Republican
  • Dust Bowl

    Dust Bowl
    Another preoblem with the great depression was the dust bowl, years of good crop selling and now to verry little profit, most farmers could not keep their land, to make matters worse the years of farming and no practices to help the ground created a dust storm that rored through the US.
  • FDRs Financial Commities

    FDRs Financial Commities
    Roosevelt decided to creat Financial Comities that will make sure that another Great Depression will not occure again, These were the FDIC and the Security Exchange Commision. The FDIC was a agency that insured depostits in banks. SEC regulated commerce in stock, bonds, and other securities.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    The works progress provided many jobs and work for unemployed laborers. This program improved or made roads, highways, and other public works.
  • Roosevelts Ressesion

    Roosevelts Ressesion
    A couple years hgave passed with the new deal plan and things were going well, but there was still high unemployment. The uneployment increased and production had decreased a set back and FDR retractors called it the Roosevelt recession.
  • Lend Lease Act

    Lend Lease Act
    This act enabled the trade of military goods to nations that were deemed necisary for the Us's survival.
  • Us Enters WW II

    Us Enters WW II
    US enters WW II and production starts up again, ending many of the US unemployment probelms and the depression.