the great depression

  • wall street bailout

    The beginning of the stock market crash.
  • black tuesday

    stock market collapses
  • dropping of discount rate

    The Federal Reserve begins lowering the discount rate.
  • disaster

    Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act passed.
  • Period: to

    round 1

    First round of U.S. bank failures
  • record low rates

    The Federal Reserve's federal funds rate reaches 2% a record low.
  • Creditanstalt

    Austria's premier bank, goes insolvent.
  • new record low

    The Federal Reserve's federal funds rate bottoms out at 1.5%.
  • Period: to

    round 2

    Second U.S. bank failures
  • hits germany

    Germany banking crisis
  • Period: to

    switch up

    Substantial amount of dollar assets are converted to gold in the US
  • Period: to


    The Federal Reserve increases the federal funds rate.
  • Period: to

    no trade

    Foreign trade restrictions / Imperial Preference
  • Period: to

    rise up

    Government conducted with no conduct open market transactions to increase money supply.
  • no more open market

    The Government discontinued open market operations.
  • election

    Franklin D. Roosevelt elected 32nd President.
  • share the wealth

    Executive Order 6102 of President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued, forbidding hoarding of gold coin, bullion, and certificates
  • Britain's out

    Britain leaves the gold standard.