The Great Depression

  • World War ends

    World War ends
    World War 1 ends
  • Herbert Hoover is elected

    Herbert Hoover is elected
    Hoover held a press conference promising a new phase of press-relations.
  • Black Tuesday

    The crash signaled the beginning of the 10 year great depression that affected all western industrilalized countries.
  • Hawley-Smoot Tariff

    To regulate commerce with forigen countries.
  • Unemployment hits 25%

    Unemployment rose up to 25% in the U.S. and up to 30% in other countries.
  • First Bank Panic

    This lead to a servire decline in the money supply during the period of declining economic activity.
  • Hawley Smoot Tariff

    An Act to Provide revenue, to regulate commerce with foreign countries.
  • 1930 Midterms

    United States Senate elections of 1930 occured in the middle of Republican President Herbert Hoover's first term.
  • Food Riot of 1931

    Food Riot of 1931
    "Food Riots" began to break out in parts of the U.S. Seven people were arrested.
  • Period: to

    First Hundred days

    During the hundred days 15 seperate bills were formed together to create the baisis of the new deal.
  • Second Bank Panic

    The nonmember banks opperated in an environment similar that which exsited before the federal reserve was established in 1914.
  • Tennessee Valley Authority

    Tennessee Valley Authority
    Provided flood control, electricity generation, and economic developement in the Tennessee valley.
  • Period: to

    New Deal

    The New Deal was a series of domestic programs.
  • FDR is elected

    FDR is elected
    He was elected four consecutive terms.
  • Emergency Banking Act

    Passed in attempt to stabilize the economy because of the great depression.
  • Second New Deal

    It improved the use of natural resources, unemployment and illness and a new national wellfair program
  • Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937

    Roosevelts purpose was to uptain favorable rulilngs regaurding the new deal legislation that the court had ruled unconstitutional.
  • United States enters WW2

    The U.S. military was sent to replace the British invasion forces and Iceland.