The Great Art Heist by: Marit, Kelly, and Christina

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    The Great Art Heist

    Nine paintings were stolen frome the Frances Dion Graves Art Museum in San Francisco.
  • Bruce Clark hires Cameron Judd to steal art

    Bruce Clark hires Cameron Judd to steal different priceless paintings and pay him $10,000 to do it.
  • Bruce Clark goes to Europe

    Bruce Clark goes on a trip to Europe.
  • Cameron Judd gives the job to Jim O'rielly and Matt Caven

    After thinking over how risky the job was Cameron Judd gives the job to Jim O'rielly and Matt Caven and keeps half the promised money.
  • Jim O'rielly and Matt Caven meet to discuss heist

    Jim and Matt get together to dicide how they ar going to pull off the heist.
  • Jim, Matt, and Matt's girlfriend go to museum

    Jim, Matt, and Matt's girlfriend go to the museum and talk Janie Clark about paintings, specifically the worth of the paintings.
  • They made a chart of where cameras were

    After looking through the museum they made note of where all of the security cameras were and made a chart.
  • Agreed on paintings to steal

    Jim would touch his ear while facing a painting and Matt would very slightly nod his head yes if they should steal it.
  • They steal the paintings.

    On August 2nd, 2009 Jim and Matt stole 9 paintings. They stole four Rembrants, two monets, one Van Gogh, and a few other paintings.
  • They pretended to be cops

    Matt and JIm pretended to be cops so that they could get into the museum the night of the heist.
  • Bill let them into the museum

    Even though he wasn't supposed to Bill let in "oficers" Caven and O'Reilly at 2:54 in the morning.
  • They fought with Bill and Charlie

    After Bill let them in Matt and Jim fought with and knocked out Bill and Charlie.
  • Matt and Jim smoke cigarettes

    At about 3:30 in the morning, Jim and Matt each smoked one cigarette and then threw them on the ground.
  • Charlie woke up

    Charlie was the first one to wake up and found that this his hands and feet were bound and there was duct tape over his mouth.
  • Bill and Charlie were found

    Bill and Charlie were found at 6:30 the morning of the heist. They were found by the cleaning crew.
  • Period: to

    The investigation takes place

    The police investigate the heist and try to find the people who stole the paintings. They look over DNA, fingerprints, do interviews, and look at past video footage.
  • Matt and Jim run away

    Matt and Jim run away after stealing the paintings. They will start to try and find a way to get the paintings to Bruce.
  • Matt, Jim, and Bruce are found

    Matt, Bruce, and Judd are found and brought back to San Francisco.
  • Matt, Jim, Janie, ans Bruce are arrested

    Matt and Jim are arrested for stealing the paintings. Janie is arrested for giving false information to the police to purposely lead them off track, as well as possibly helping in the planning of the heist. Bruce was arrested because he was the one who wanted the paintings stolen and was paying peole to do so. Cameron Judd would have been arrested for passing the job on to Matt and Jim. He got part of the money and was therefor guilty by association. He had immunity in this case.