The gradual increases of Nazi persecution of the polish

  • Press censorship law

    The German Propaganda Ministry kept registries of “racially pure” editors and journalists. New reporters had to register and show they were not Jewish. This show
    unfair treatment of polish people bc they are not receiving true info
  • laws against criminals

    This Law affected people's lives in many ways, it took people awayfrom their loved ones; some prisoners even had to undergo sterilisation.This Law also forced “social misfits” to be imprisoned. Such as, beggars, homeless, unemployed, people of color and many more that Nazis referred to as not the superior race. This shows unfair treatment becasue it wasnt equal to them
  • burning of un german books

    Books were burned that didn’t agree with the Nazi viewpoint. Therefore, people were not able to read material that they wanted nor were they able to get correct information. this was unfair because it was not equal to people who wanted to read about it
  • hitler becomes fuhrer

    With the support of the German military,Hitler became the new president of Germany, in addition to being chancellor. He was able to make any law or rule he wanted. This was not good because this was the guy who thought of it all
  • first jews deported from germeny

    After Germany annexed Austria, a refugee crisis began. Tens of thousands of German and Austrian Jews applied to immigrate to countries outside Europe. President Franklin Roosevelt called an international conference to discuss the crisis. Diplomats and representatives from 32 countries met in Evian-les-Bains, France, in July 1938.Most of the representatives said that their country was sympathetic but would not admit more refugees.
  • First prisoners arrive at auschwitz

    The SS opened a large concentration camp near the town of Oswiecim to be killed in mass shootings and worked to death this shows it was unfair by sending the poles to auschwitz.
  • germany invades the soviet union

    between SS and police and Wehrmacht invaded the Soviet union. this was unfair to the poles because they were also affected by this
  • Mass murder begins at chelmno

    To carry out the mass murder of Europe's Jews, the SS established killing centers devoted exclusively or primarily to the destruction of human beings in gas chambers. Chelmno was among these killing centers. this is unfair because poles were affected by this
  • Announcement of death penalty for adding jews

    Any non jew that offered to help a jew to hide or feed they would be sent to a death penalty.This was unfair because it didn't treat them equally
  • germany invades poland

    Germany invaded Poland with a quick battle technique called Blitzkrieg (lightning warfare). Great Britain and France were allied with Poland so they declared war on Germany September 3rd 1939. this is not fair to the polish because they should not be getting invaded