Boycott of Jewish Businesses
The Nazi Party released a nationwide boycott of jewish buisnesses that only lasted one day they did this to try a drive jews away from the german economy. This law affects the jews by taking away their businesses, their only way to make money. -
Education Law
This law made it so jewish students had to leave public schools and start attending private schools. This law made it so only 5 percent of the population in schools. This law affected the Jews by taking them out of their public school and made them go to a private school so they got very poor education. -
Marianne Winter
Nazi Germany occupied and annexed Austria -
Jewish Name Law
The law of Jewish name law required Jews that didn't have a first name to take the middel names of Israel for men and Sara for women. This law made it so Jewish people lost the rights to be called their own name. -
Kristallnacht Attacks
Kristallnacht (night of broken glass) started after a Polish-Jewish teenager learned his family was deported from Germany, then, because of that, he shot a German diplomat in Paris. After that, Nazi supporters lauched planned attacks on jewish homes, stores, cemetaries, and synagogues. This affected the jews because they kept getting their most important things destroyed like synagogues. -
Anti-Jewish Economy Law
Jews could not own businesses, and if they did then they would have to sell them to an employee or Nazi supporter for a very low price. This law made it so that Jewish people could not run their own business and if they did they had to sell their things for a very cheap price. -
First Kindertransport Arrives
During the 1940’s, Kindertransports were transports of bringing Jewish children from Nazi-controlled lands into lands that were safe from the Nazis like in Great Britain, the Netherlands, and France. This affected the jews because they got taken away from their family just to be safe from the nazis. -
Jewish Badge Introduced in Germany
Jewish people were forced to wear yellow patches on their clothes to represent the Star of David -
Announcement of Death Penalty for Aiding Jews
What the law does is it tells people that if they help jews or if they were caught hiding them they would get death penalty. This law affects the jews because if anyone tried to help them they would be killed so they could get no help. -
Johanna Gerechter
Germany invaded the northern italian territories -
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Begins
The jew left over jews in warsaw attacked the guards one night. This affected the jews by finally giving them a chance to fight back even if they might die. -
German Forces Surrender
When Adolf hitler committed suicide the germanofficals surrendered. Then one day later the war in Europe ended and the allies celebrated and the allied forces won the war. This affected the jews by freeing them from Hitler and the Nazis.