The Good Ol' Days

  • The Inflation Explosion

    Inflation has already been rising throughout the late 1960s and into the early 1970s. In 1969 it reached 7.4% and by 1973 it had climbed into double digits and reached 11.4%
  • Legislation is signed by President Nixon creating the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area along the Cumberland Rivier in Kentucky and Tennessee

    This will create more tourists attraction that the states will gain money from when people visit
  • Period: to

    The Good Ol' Days

  • Period: to


  • Period: to

    Consumer Price Index

    1974- 49.3
    1975- 53.8
    1976- 56.9
    1977- 60.6
    1978- 65.2
    1979- 72.6
  • Period: to


    1974- $5.396
    1975- $5.385
    1976- $5.675
    1977- $5.937
    1978- $6.267
    1979- $6.466
  • Period: to

    GDP Per Capita

    1974 $7,242
    1975 $7,820
    1976 $8,611
    1977 $9,471
    1978 $10,587
    1979 $11,696
  • Period: to

    Unemployment rate

    1974- 5.10%
    1975- 8.10%
    1976- 7.90
    1977- 7.50%
    1978- 6.40%
    1979- 5.90%
  • Period: to

    Interest Rates

    1974- 1.57%
    1975- -1.47%
    1976- 1.07%
    1977- 0.43%
    1978- 1.91%
    1979- 3.99%
  • Period: to

    Business Cycle

    1974- Fed raised rate
    1975- Fed cut rate
    1976- Expansion. Fed cut rate
    1977- Carter
    1978- Fed raised rate
    1979- Fed raised then lowered rate
  • Period: to

    Monetary Policy

    They were law and most times in betwwen 10% and 5%
  • Period: to

    Fiscal Policies

    the total spending of the government was about 1-2 billion dollars
  • Period: to

    Consumer Spending CCI

    The CCI was in between 100 and 60 index points
  • Period: to

    Discount Rates

    1974- 8.00
    1975- 6.00
    1976- 5.25
    1977- 5.75
    1978- 6.50
    1979- 12.00
  • Period: to

    Federal Tax Rates

    The tax rates through 1974-1979 all sat about 70% per year
  • Period: to

    Federal Tax Rates

    For the time period 1974-1979 the tax rates all sat at around 70%
  • Fiscal Crisis

    On a Tuesday in mid-May of 1975, Abraham Beame and Hugh Carey—New York City’s mayor and governor—arrived at the White House to meet with President Gerald Ford. The news they brought was not good: New York City was experiencing a severe cash shortage, and without help, the city would not be able to cover its bills much longer.
  • Communist forces complete their takeover of South Vietnam, forcing the evacuation from Saigon of civilians from the United States and the unconditional surrender of South Veitnam

    This hurt the economy as The US had to pay back many deficits from the war which caused inflation to rise
  • Things start to get better for economy

    Apple Computer is founded by Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak.
  • The Viking 1 space probe successfully lands on Mars

    This benefited the economy as US gained revenue research in space and created more jobs that helped the economy gain back deficits from earlier recessions.
  • US engages in War

    President Carter pardons Vietnam era draft evaders.Nuclear proliferation pact that curbs the spread of nuclear weapons is signed by 15 countries, including the U.S. and USSR
  • The Cabinet Level Energy Department.

    Created by President Jimmy Carter in 1977. The Cabinet Level Energy Department allowed nuclear weapons to be handled with safety and was the start of the human genome. This helped the government as many people were donating to start up The Cabinet Level Energy Department.
  • Public Spending Binge

    Between 1978 and 1980 the Exchequer borrowing requirement, which stood at 11% in 1976 and 10% in 1977, averaged 14%. The boom quickly turned to bust and inflation accelerated. In December 1979.
  • The United States Senate votes to return the Panama Canal back to Panama.

    This allowed the US and Panama to become better allies but hurt the US as they could not earn as much revenue from owning the canal and importing and exporting out of the canal.
  • 1979 Oil shock in the US caused dpression for the autos

    On Jan. 16, 1979, the Shah of Iran was overthrown, and the Ayatollah Khomeini came to power. He cut Iran's oil production, which reduced shipments of crude oil to the United States. Gasoline prices soared, and the American economy plunged into a recession. The threat of a gasoline shortage and rationing created long lines at gas stations.
  • The Chrysler Bailout is approved by the federal government. A $1.5 billion loan-guarantee plan is floated to assist the third largest car maker in the United States

    This will bring back the Chrysler automotive brand back to make more cars which will allow more cars to be sold on the market