Definition: An ideal community or perfect society. Example: The world of zootopia is considered an utopia because of the way the predators and prey communicate in a way with no harm. Antonyms: poor, imperfect -
Definition: an act of following others of doing what others do in order to fit in. Example: conformity was important to Jonas because he follows all the rules in his society, and acts mature to not be marked a different. Antonyms: Different, unique -
Definition: To discipline or punish. Example: After being late to class, Ashers teacher Chastised him by making him apologize to the class. Antonyms: praise, encourage. -
Definition: A memory of an event. Example: Young johnny woke up one morning and had a recollection of when he visited grandmas house years ago. Antonyms: Forget, lose -
Definition: huge in size or extent; immense. Example: the vast white ram pulled onto the dark driveway. Antonyms: small, petite -
Definition: uneasy or fearful about something that might happen. Example: Jack and Samantha were apprehensive when they saw a door in the haunted house. Antonyms: brave, fearless.