The Gilded Age-by Elijah H and Mackenzie L.

  • The Homestead Act

    The homestead act gave people a chance to settle in the west with new opportunities. Including 160 acres of land to farm and make money on.
  • Transcontinental Railroad

    The transcontinental Railroad was built to cover the west and transport people making trading and transportation easier.
  • John D. Rockefeller

    He controlled 90% of the nations oil refineries and pipelines. His control significantly changed the productions and processing of oil forever.
  • The Great Railroad Strike

    The country's first major strike against major businesses. The government had to deploy 60,000 militia to disband the strike as it held up miles of railroads, not allowing passage.
  • Light Bulb

    The light bulb was created by Thomas Edison and he used this invention to expand on industrialism. This discovery led to people using electricity more often in factories and other places further expanding the already expanding industrial ages.
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act

    This act was signed by President Chester A. Arthur and it restricted immigration for the Chinese to go into the U.S. for about 10 years.
  • The Pendleton Act

    An act signed by President Chester A. Arthur that stated that gov. jobs were going to be awarded to those based off competitive exams and merit. This ended the spoils system.
  • The Statue Of Liberty

    The Statue Of Liberty stands to welcome immigrants into America as well as stands as on of he largest symbols for freedom in the U.S..
  • The Dawes Act

    This act assimilated the native American Indians into the American society. They broke up the reservations and gave them land along the mountains just for them until gold was discovered.
  • The Pullman Strike

    Workers were upset due to dramatic wage cuts. They went on a strike led by Eugene Debs who was unsupported by the AFL. Eventually it got so bad the government had to send in armed troops to get workers to comply. These riots cause deployment of 14,000 state and federal troops.
  • The Jim Crow Laws

    The Jim crow laws let the states and country legally segregate black people. They did this as well as denying them the right to vote and hold jobs in any community already established by white people. The laws also stopped people of color from getting a proper education.